Jan Jansdaad and her sister Jan are attempting to get their tans on at a hygiene dive during Focused Moons festival. Their thoughts, feelings, and utterances are difficult to blend accurately, but they are doing their best with the symbols of sonic language that they are able to access without the ability to speak with their minds only.
People just do not like me when i'm upset no matter how polite i think i'm being.
I get it, karen.
You a funny! This is a real thing to me.
First you are calling flekes people.
Wait, why do you assume a technology minister is a fleke? He is cross-species, and if you recall the Personhood Revisionary Statement they put out at Regulatory Shouting not that many moons ago, we're all people now.
No, i thought you said
I said i thought he was biasing me that's all. So ya i pointed him out in terms of our difference even while trying to avoid making that the issue by calling out his specific geo-genealogical identity. See even though i've been trying to return this pod for days and had to walk through a lidderal swamp to get there only to have him ask me to leave, i am seeing this as more than anything a breakdown in social-speciel communication.
Really? It sounds like you were taking it personally.
One does wonder. How one comes across.
Remember Ks use a template for communicating outside of their minds only. It's like they are forming their impression of what you're saying by peering at a set of very tiny holes of light in a pattern, not the entire picture the rest of us can clearly hear and see.
The same goes for me i suppose. All i could see was that he would not walk up to me and discuss the issue between us only. He yelled across an entire cave full of pilgrims and then signified me to them, laughing, as I waited far beyond my appointment time for him to bang the gong.
Obviously, time is not a consideration for MPS ministers especially depending on what their K mix is-- it may not exist to them at all except as the positions of clouds, stars, and moons.
Yet we are expected to get along or there's something wrong.
Sure if we're expected to get along and there's something wrong it's worse than only waiting too long.
Waiting too long to bang the gong when there's something wrong is not a way to get along.
You're right, it's wrong to belong to the ping-pong of common song without dawning on what's long been done to get along...
I sang a song so it wouldn't seem so long but that only deepened the sense of something going wrong.
The... prong? I'm sorry tong? I...
No it's okay that was good i feel a lot better now.
I love you Jan.
Me too.