Friday, October 6, 2023

Sadness of the harvest

it should of never had happen

ho reason is come t'dis

izza orbiduf d'planets

if we had some moons to keep warm all year

not tyrant stars that care not who we are

we'd have more room to plant and grow my dear

lunar together travelling far

i saw about moonlight 

onna inuhneh an i 

fell in luh thinkinuh

moonlight is a freak light it's a re-light not a true light mind

more moons would make the night a verdant brite-lit kind

enough for us to leave the stars and all their fire behind 

moonlight onna inuhneh

freak like an immigruh

soun like a typo luh

no true flower is too flower-like no true home needs starlight

we used to be so burdened by the laws of nature are a lie

let's chart our own course thru the universe moons at our side

love that take away erythang

ner give it back

juss wen yr ship comin in, comin in

to keep you grateful love at harvest time someone must die

death sweeps you in its wings to the re-knowing of impermanence

and leaves you high and dry unlike a tropic island paradise 

take R moons an go

grab some mo on d'way

harviss ery day

[Trans. note: 
For the longer verses, think choral samba; shorter ones, a slow tom-tom. -Phyllis]

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