Tuesday, September 26, 2023

algorithmic brank

Phramsupply had developed an algorithmic brank that would allow or force others to go back and relive painful uncomfortable controversial contested incriminating moments in your past even if you yourself had no desire to do so. Their fair use claim amounted to the regulatory availability of all of your behavior conducted in the Open Domain which meant outside of content deliberately prepped and vetted for release to the public oracle dispensers, which of course would upon release also become Open Domain as well as intentionally pre-published for all time and all purposes. 

This meant that both private and public entities with private and public monitoring and recording operations could negotiate the content of your entire life since The Crack without your knowledge or participation. This would never do of course especially for those who could afford to stop it. This is what led to the Federation of Jansdaad Dads' (FJD) notorious assassination of  Mthyuh Preservation Society Pilgrim General Chang K. Chang at Chang K. Chang Chank during Same Moons since many Same Moons now. 

From: Statement
Missionaries of Same Moons 
Phyllis [trans.]

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