Jan is standing frontally against the scaffolding at Missy's original cradle Friends' Hangar. Her lower body technicians are just finishing up on a knee-area scale cleanse. As fellow mixed-species with vastly different results they love hanging out and catching up during hygiene. Jan answers back from a more refined point of view despite the brutality and horror of her appearance. She has been tempered by a traditional Jan-and-kids lifestyle as a busy working mom in the outer chanks. Missy stands at the top of the scaffolding speaking directly into Jan's nostrils with her mind only.
and then they found themselves stumbling around in hissing rubble and my uncle said whut is my family's vittle stop a terrorist no it's the Jan's who are the terrorists
the past is a tawdry and ignorant place
well i wouldn't know i've been on Hopinna-Skipita so long it's all the same to me
so you think our perception of the past is largely dependent on brain chemistry
no more like dependent on whether or not yor on drugs
so you're on that
whut whut's the alternative is there now an exit ramp
no or else how would pharmsupply survive how would they save our lives then
if they thought of cures for everything
correct we would not be healthier we would be dead
because pharmsupply would be dead
no because they would cut their losses and take care of their own only
can i take care of my own only
that's a tough fact for me today
do you know the parable of Mthyuh flies on her own as first K
of course but what is it
she invented flight in that moment and she turned her arm in a gesture of nobility and inclusion and it blocked out exactly one half of the sun and the stripe across the lands created The Crack and The Crack created time and it was time the Mthyuh got some vittles jack
by Phyllis [trans.]