Showing posts with label missy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label missy. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2024

Nice pirouettes!

When today the madame mistress Mlaf, goddess of astrology, the generations, and la dance, said to me and she really said it to me she said 

Nice pirouettes!

And this to me and to all who know the sister, a primary missionary of la dance her ravishing mothership, Ms. Mkidza Mlaf, to all who know her, and to me, this means that the student has invisibly and inaudibly been graduated not to the next consecutive course in the series at the academy de la dance, but rather, nice pirouettes means that you have ascended to another level altogether: at the academy, but also and most importantly in la dance herself, and therefore in life, a life of dance to dance the life of living dance and dance the dance to live that life of dance to dance the dance, la dance. 

by Missy

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Waste light

This moon has landed

these clouds can only amplify where

many times they've been complicit

and the moon was surreptitious

this fullness illuminates the spectrum

engages against a magnetism

heart flares spit arcs of sentiment

gravity hovering between poles

the beacon demands the vigil

serene paralysis of waste light

light that cloys and begs unhinged

light that is itself a shadow

by Missy

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Extravasation of liability

Two archetypal nightmares, one evolving and the other transforming, cavort among the bone piles and charnel buckets and try new looks in a vast, thickly karsted blast cavern deep into Dubbaberah Chank lands. They have until a dung beetle can traverse the length of a date palm during which one star, and then the next, will provide enough light to prepare to solemnly silently and symbolically preside over a session of the Extravasation of Liability Council which must by code be held in the shadow of at least one K bitch. There is no common mirror large enough for Jan or Missy, who've taken to hanging out in the evening during hunger hours to distract one another from the hunger and to provide a mirror for the other by communication in authentic language, but through their minds only. 

Ok i am feeling that cute dress but the sunglasses ok i guess if yr going to wear sunglasses they may as well be in the shapes of hearts. 

See? And they stay on because even tho they are made with stadium poles and satellite dishes my hygienist at Friends' Hangar weaves them into my pyncofibers which lets me swivel'm up to perch on my ocular hood. 

That's nice for you. My issues these days are with sweat pants. The Sisters of Mthyuh spent months churning out this pair for example but it really binds above the hip bone and may inhibit normal peristalsis. Too bad an entire species of rubber tree went extinct just to result in an elastic waistband that doesn't meet the demands of give and take throughout the feeding cycle. The sisters've made me two other pairs, the product of more than 8,000 labor hours. One opened a pocket hole after the second sea wash, and the legs so long i almos tripped and took a dive into Fridgeporcherator Chank Canyon, and they's gators down there. 

That's what happens when you go out of your way to comply with outrageously cynical and degrading modesty directives having ceded your own sacred powers of life and death to those you could have eaten. 

It's worse than that. It's not just the Preservation Society. We are not compatible with the throngs of Jans and Flekes who have taken over this ecosystem. 

I think it's time we call a Moment of World Stoppage. 

Ha no one's done that since the grown childless strike during Same Moons. 

We must call a Moment of World Stoppage, the flekes must don their sacrificial hats, and we must demonstrate the power we've had all along: fashion-forward population flyovers. 

You mean over-population. 


Phyllis [Trans.]

Friday, October 27, 2023

from: The Socio-Politically Recovered Texts of Mthyuh & Co

She started out smiling way too big so big that some couldn't keep looking

Now we can be shocked in another way still more disturbing

You see her purse her lips and shrink her mouth with muscles not oft used

It hurts a lot but not from gravity of topic which could never disabuse

Her of the smile a smile bigger than one would think anatomically possible

A smile taking up perhaps 40–48% of the face that's visible

Ya it's a shame a lady of LaVajra has to be a politician 

Which interrupts her nirvanic rhythm

Especially whilst being shamed for her bliss

Her mouth is a reminder of Mthyuh's hungry maw

And we should only thank her for this

Our journey homeward is mapped to her craw

The next moment after realizing she was immortal

It was La Chama's first moment as well after all

An involuntary spasm of compassion and responsibility toward all life rose in her heart

Even for a nephew who said she'd been admired far more than she played the part

To Missy it was love sustained her up to the beginning

When from the jetsam of burst chrysalis stepped forward a leader darkly grinning

from: "Heroic What Now? LaChama's Post-Crack Propagandists"
from: The Socio-Politically Recovered Texts of Mthyuh & Co
Franz Gressive Stone Press, Chukkachank
Phyliss [Trans.]

Friday, October 13, 2023

Drombs bopping on d'po

Drombs bopping on d'po

alms scaduh donda flo

caint git change foa dolla no mo

cain goeda wurshi poda place will blo

Fo poke beggin ondeyneeze

Rich foke due in what deypleeze

Middafoke ackin like deyaint got tea

Gahdoan ansa buddy allway see

by Missy

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


On the topic of trying to better animate my face, what exercises perhaps or massage schemes would you suggest. 

As you know Missy i am a newly trained hygienist so i do not pretend to assume what will or will not work for any trans-species client. 

You would not carry the pretense of replacing anyone on my nursery team or even my entire nursery team come your first day on the scaffolding. 

I believe we are on the same page then. How about an exercise. 

Ok then. I am all yours-y if you can handle it. 

Remembering that I am not able to receive your thoughts by channel of our minds only, try instead to communicate a thought by moving your facial plates in any way that seems most expressive of those thoughts. 

More likely i could possibly convey an emotion as they do in a cartoon. 

Sure, that would be a great start actually! 


Are you doing it now?


Oh good nodding, that is a universal signal in the public domain that you can always make use of when you mean either yes or no.

Is that it for today then?


Did you get that?

Oh lamthyuh, how could i understand?

But you did. You could tell i wanted to know if we are done with this crap for now.

But how.

I can aim and calibrate my facial plates to your own labyrinth of subtle muscular fascia which totally gives away everything you're thinking,

Thursday, May 4, 2023

They knew the wheel of life

they wanted to feed their babies with 

my grief like they knew the wheel of

life that their system was wise that

brutality makes way for innocence

by Missy

Monday, April 24, 2023

Extinction Takeback Agreement

FRIENDS' HANGAR: Jan, now nearly full size, stands frontally abutted to a scaffolding built into the side of a high cliff. Her feet and tail are partially buried in the dunes of the Lowchank district. At eye level, she can see pine trees, and a bit above that there is only sandstone made deeply groovy by rains. The shadow of the horizon makes a line in the shape of the mountain across her forehead. Reptily stands on the scaffolding shaking out their cape and staring straight into Jan's nostrils, which occasionally emit a welcome and full-body warming blast. Reptily is using their tiny mouth hole to communicate, but Jan, for anatomical reasons, can only speak with her mind only.

REPTILY: Ya, see this flat part on the back of my head? I feel limited by it. 

JAN: Oh why?

REPTILY: I just feel like if there was a curve there I'd feel less constrained in my thinking processes. 

JAN: That's a K head Chama look at mine!

REPTILY: But you look practically full blood when yer here. I'm pretty much stuck in the fuzzy middle ground. 

JAN: Ya yor too big to get in the hygienist elevator. But you skittered up that scaffolding like a dung beetle!

REPTILY: Ya my vestments have been mistaken for an exoskeleton. It's just flocked rayon. 

JAN: ...

REPTILY: I wanted to meet here because it reminds me of home. I was born and raised at Friends' Hangar. 

JAN: Is that so?

REPTILY: Ya there was a time when I was small enough for the lift and even rather pretty by yor standards. They called me Missy. 

JAN: HAHA! I mean, you're still pretty. 

REPTILY: Fortunately I have some options like with the head tuft, which is retractable, see? 

JAN: Ooo. You know, we all have our unique struggles of difference don't we? 

REPTILY: There's no one like me. You can mostly pass on either side of the Crack. 

JAN: And it's also not our fault. 

REPTILY: On the one hand you can blame the MPS-Pharmsupply merger for our disfigurement, but we also only have them to thank for the Extinction Takeback Agreement and therefore our existences. 

JAN: Would you go that far? It was the merger that wiped out K's to begin with. 

REPTILY: We were enslaving their people. 

JAN: We were being our natural selves in the context of nature. I hate it when the losers get to write history.


"ChamaJanMeetNGreet001" in
 Genetic Histories (n.d.)
Journal of the Institute for the Journal of Metacognitive Talk Therapy Apologists

Thursday, January 30, 2020

K Groom

when you talk so long
my responses build and ebb
without making noise

for Missy
by Phyllis (embedded)

Monday, January 13, 2020

How I Experience Communication

Do you see anything like a lip moving on my face?

No. That's because I am talking to you, and I don't do it with a mouth. You are only even hearing the English because it's my organic empathic system that makes it not even matter and it's the biology of your no-K braino that turns it into recognizable symbols. In fact, did you know that if it weren't for the human capacity for what you call "denial," your flakes and no-K's could not even reproduce? Would not be able to.

So... I wish you would look me in the eye, an organ we have in common, and state your credentials as a professional by implication of your manner, sir.

by Missy

The Coarsening of Society

First, you did not even look me in the eye before lifting my preen lid.

Also, "What's your name?" is not the answer to any possible client inquiry.

You make what, low six figures? You're a professional K Hygienist?

I tell you I have a question. You answer what's your name. And don't look at me?

Put my lid down. You don't have permission.

I'd like to speak with a K.

by Missy

Thursday, August 9, 2018

My digestion is loud

i'm sorry i'm processing
i process hard
even from before i was old
my digestion is loud

by Missy

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Think or die

anxious wanting to be born
you will exact screaming pain
on the dark nourishing walls of

free delight, a loose balloon
of spending new innocence and
gathering admiration, rancor

tamp you down, like a rodeo
now they let you have your own
screams until you think or die.

Missy, 13th Birthday

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

No Chance Not to Love You

You give me no chance
Not to love you dear
I lose my resistance

Your shift at the grind
is the only time
I have my peace of mind

But then you return
Back in my arms, you're
A victory unearned


No chance! Not to love you I'm so
Helpless! All that I can do is
Love,, love... [bells]


No chance! not to love you darling,
No chance! not to love... [repeat]

by Missy
Shiv at First Grafting

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Springtime of Misery II

flipping hair back a lot
regaining power

Monday, February 12, 2018

RE-CAP: You, Woma

peggy i always new you were mai fren
because you left your kids, two of them
to seek after spiritual enlightenment, you
know? fuck them! because you knew that
their pain
would carry them back. their pain would
carry them, carry them into yor arms again.

faiwere on my det bed
i dlet you guide me
I do anything you say

you, woma, are from a-
nother wurl, and i cannot
fine you less i take yr wor

you can santify me woma
only you can see me thrua
horra show, when ahm touch-an-go

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

I'm not coming in from the rain

Husband? You ask
What's that? We've
always said, no
such thing for us

We've done our
thing our way and
developed a civil
protocol or two

But now, with a
swell of generosity,
after we've made
a camp outside the

wall, invited in,
reluctantly but not
without acclaim,
we say hell no, no

We haven't spent
our lives pining for
a straight paradigm;
at least I haven't.

So it's cold and wet
out here when a
whole new system
has to express, gag

and choke on life
but it's green of
growth, so we won't
come in from the rain.

by Missy (Mkidza Mlaf)

Sunday, March 5, 2017

I don't know

Now listen baby
my darling husband
or not exactly,
I do not know

I tell a joke that
you get the milk but
you didn't have to
purchase the yoke

and I think that's funny,
but I kinda wonder,
just what is going,
what is going on

I just don't know dear,
but I want to
and you must tell me
to calm my fear

Mister dear, Mr. darling
While I dangle like a vine
Keep me wondering
How to tell you
that I don't know
if you are mine


"For Phyllis"

Sunday, November 27, 2016

War is taught

my communication is fraught

and bare naked of tv or drugs

this night wanking breathless

unto some cruel Jerusalem...

but back to you and pen me:

swarms of wasps couldn't be

more attentive to utterances

if they reeked of fresh muds;

through battle, war is taught

by Missy
"I'm big now."