For whatever is left of tomorrow, there's always TIN DAWN.
TIN DAWN is they say the final demon to watch out for
Look deep into his eyes and you will see many rings
each of which has a meaning
ring of understanding
ring of knowing
ring of fear
ring of excitement
ring of famine
ring of stupidity
this last ring is the deepest ring
it surrounds the deepest known void
I saw this ring directly and it locked
into the circular patterns of my own
eyes thoughts behavior
This was a moment when I could have been captured by
TIN DAWN But instead
i felt my feet begin to levitate off the ground
we shared for a tic the terrible inevitability
of eternity it was a chance to reach out to him
for my journey was a spiritual one
and i reached out to him
and i spoke these words to him i said
"culturally you're supposed to have some support mechanism to help get through and mark moments of consequence"
then my feet touched the ground again
his fury temporarily abated he answered
"but those who've been effed over by culture science mathematics physics geography politics boyfriends we must create our own rituals our own celebrations"
These famous words were known and held dearly to each of our hearts, and had been ever since LaChamatilly originally delivered them in her Cross-Chanks Address.
Weiba Hinde
Storytelling Booth 7
Storytelling Festival
Days of Destruction