Showing posts with label man tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label man tips. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Try a virtue round

virtue challenge

spend one glorious day being virtuous in the loving arms of virtue

may that your choices be borne of virtue all the virtues

may that any step on this day must not violate any of the virtues

virtues are designated as: 

virtues which are considered to be virtues The Crack-wide (see appendix)

not virtues which you think it would be cute to call virtues

start the day saying these words in this order

i am a virtue i am a virtue muffin mthyuh eat me first or send your demons

i mthyuh i am am a virtue virtue muffin your demons eat me first or send your

send your demons send a virtue mthyuh eat your demons first or am your 

virtue demon me eat your demons first am send me muffins virtue muffins  


in between your chanting you may find that you're making virtuous choices automatically

this is because by chanting the sacred words you have activated the K5000

the K5000 would never harm you but it does now have access and has now

taken charge of one key portion of your Braino son so

don't stop now and i mean lidderly don't stop now because

[MPS has imperiously and arbitrarily redacted this portion of the activity instructions]

(traditional MPS nuns' "friday fun day" activity)
by Phyliss [trans.]

Sunday, April 14, 2024

demon of all loving all giving all knowing

This is one who is like a swarm of locusts in terms of devastation but all-in-one. One you may want to be open to. 

Create an emotional and spiritual boundary between yourself and this one.

Not only is it possible to create this boundary but also possible to create it when that one is already inside of you and as one with you. 

In fact one who needs most to create a boundary is most often one that must create a boundary between oneself and that same one who is more devastating than a stampede of buffalo, yet all-in-one, and at one with one as one. 

The demon of all loving all giving all knowing is likely to take charge in moments of structural weakness when combined with palliative interventions, for example. Although you may not feel entitled to your own opinion during these moments, you must find and stand on your boundary line, and you must be the line, be as one with the line as you are as one with the demon. The demon may respect the line if you do. Imagine a school of piranhas stopping short of crossing a watery line. 

Do not sign contracts hire workers bear gifts offer advice opine on any topic write to anyone for any purpose.  Let them come to you and see for themselves the condition you are in so that they too may draw their own boundaries even as they too are as one with you.

La LaChama
Primavera Eterna: Obra de Dentro

Thursday, March 28, 2024



Tuesday, January 30, 2024



tín dụng hình ảnh: Umami Bhomb

Friday, November 3, 2023

olive drab

It was not pre-weathered

I weathered it 

As i myself weathered

Now me and it

At ease & unfatigued

Avail ourselves

To answer The Question

& we find there's

Nothing to figure out

Monday, June 19, 2023

Thursday, March 30, 2023

cisgender male drag whore




Imágenes por: 
Chu Papoya
"It's a fruit."

Saturday, May 26, 2018

More man tips





Thursday, March 22, 2018

Man Bun Tips

"How Knot"
Bandless Side-Bun w/ Veil