Tuesday, September 26, 2023

My associations prevent me from any movement at this time

My associations prevent me from any movement at this time

Haha! I'm just asking you to get yr ass off my pijama soze i can put it on

And I'm telling you i have associations with moving my ass that are painful

Oh i thought you meant like your associations like friends affiliate joiny-join groups...

Don't get me started on friends and groups they all have horrifying associations

Horrifying soze i can have my pijama

In that if i move if i move toward an object i start to receive visions and those visions are flashbacks of horrifying experiences with the object

So it's not the objects really but what they remind you of


Uh huh. Pijama?

Let me ask you are you ready to move toward a fresh horror

No i don't like that

Then why not find a different pijama because i can accept it where it is now

Then i should try an also accept it, is that it

One way to move is to move on in a conversation

Ima move your face in a minute

I understand that you love me so your threats are more like caresses

For someone who is scared shitless you seem too randy

Don't get me started on randy

Tell me this do you also have horrific associations with moving away from rather than toward objects

No receding objects diminish fractally in terms of threat

I am going to walk backwards while you toss me my pijama

Sonic remnant trace dump SX0007
Location: Bedroom, Recovery Lodge F, Lip of Mthyuh
Thought to be: Jan Jansdaad's former husband Jan and unknown female
by Phyllis [trans.]

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