On the topic of trying to better animate my face, what exercises perhaps or massage schemes would you suggest.
As you know Missy i am a newly trained hygienist so i do not pretend to assume what will or will not work for any trans-species client.
You would not carry the pretense of replacing anyone on my nursery team or even my entire nursery team come your first day on the scaffolding.
I believe we are on the same page then. How about an exercise.
Ok then. I am all yours-y if you can handle it.
Remembering that I am not able to receive your thoughts by channel of our minds only, try instead to communicate a thought by moving your facial plates in any way that seems most expressive of those thoughts.
More likely i could possibly convey an emotion as they do in a cartoon.
Sure, that would be a great start actually!
Are you doing it now?
Oh good nodding, that is a universal signal in the public domain that you can always make use of when you mean either yes or no.
Is that it for today then?
Did you get that?
Oh lamthyuh, how could i understand?
But you did. You could tell i wanted to know if we are done with this crap for now.
But how.
I can aim and calibrate my facial plates to your own labyrinth of subtle muscular fascia which totally gives away everything you're thinking,