Sunday, September 21, 2008

"Ingesting Resources and Giving Back on the Community"

Sylvia comes home puts on some spooky music and stares into a candle.
This is the me that i am; ingest me Mthyuh so that no more may suffer.
Yalalahalala. Ya [etc.]
Have we not fed you our poor our most outspoken. Yahalalalahalala. [etc.]
They who want to live no more, we let you have them Muhalalalahuthyuh. [etc]
[etc.] Then you spit them back up on our Welcome stone: nuf of the Othyuh, Muthyuh.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Nothing can Fill my Hole

I come home to my fabulous faux-renaissance palace and hover over my persian carpets in the opium den listening to my favorite ragas. My four fabulous akitausies file in, strutting their glammy beauty and leaving a genuine fur-rug trail behind wherever they step, smiling their adoration. I glide out to my multi-tiered pool with fountains, really more like a water park. Here I bob as a rubber duckling in the falls and whirls. Later, for dinner: all the delicacies that the local ShivMart can provide. My mother? Although living here on plant and does cramp my style, adoring and willing to commit crimes to retain my favor. Then why... why the hole? It's a hole and it's the size o' Texas, right here... [Chamatilly indicated a large oval area between her groin and sternum by drawing an invisible egg shape with the tip of her finger. The hole came all the way up under her breasts]. It seems that nothing, nothing can fill my hole. This hole, priusnear the size o' Texas, is all up inside of me.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Envy of Sociopathy

like a clothespin on yr nip,
fine remorse and guilt rip
all up on through to yr sp-
ine. when you kis me on d'
liups, we lookinat so mini
owrza feelingud witu chile

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Look, Girls: Get it?

Look, girls: Get it?
Some will say that you are uninformed (they will freakishly pronounce it "on-informed").
Others will say that you are confused. HUH?!?
Still others cite mental illness.

Does a third of each make one in three? I don't think so, honey!

Stick to your "guns" babes! You so rock!

Hoist'em and keep breathing!

A stitch in time say sutured poison don't run!

Pegyuh is the whirl, chile!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Find Someone Who...

is a drama queen.
likes red punch for the lipstain effect.
exaggerates, and whose nipples are erect.
bugs their eyes at you obscenely.
rolls their eyes in digust while making a drink.
is every moment conscious of their hairs.
is always sniffing at the air like a sacked fish.
wears a ladies' perfume so sweet as to induce diarrheas.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Drag Ball Announcement

"Remove body hair unless you're keeping it as part of your act."

"Tease back without being mean, come up with a smart response that is slightly catty but won't get you labeled as a "bitch"."


Bitchy Community

if you are wearing a wig that's totally straight
and natural baby so it won't melt in contact
with a square, just maybe fizzle, and you can
let it fly, "we don't have time to be in line. we
bitches. we need men now, we don't think any-
much else is funnie. we bitches cuz we've our
freedom and we prettie pissed aboudit," al-
ways standing in a slak circle smoking and
pointing rocked back on one long boot heel.
i am making a stand here near a gutter to say
look, it idn't right. and she's in there (pointing
out) and i'm out here (pointing down) after..."
whatever. then all the sudden they laughing,
they laughing, wild, start scratching each
other tops and poolin hair. they exhausted act-
ing animals that way, leanback on a public
bench giving each udda da dubba-berrl out
f'm undah dey skirts o' dresses. "u a slag."

There'll be no Ascending or De-Escalating

[advice to stripper continues during alcoholic blackout]

And hi, then ok, and you know today's my birthday. In-fak it's been my birthday all month. Yes I celebrate it more every day. I think I'm going for a record, yeah. And it'll be a different year every day, but there'l be no ascending or de-escalating. Same manic pace all the time man. You wanna piece? Of this party? [etc.]

Trannie Month, Day 3

"Tryna rince a ho-lotta swole-up kibble dow-ntha spose-all!"

Here I felt like a Georgie-girl in her new Bronx apartment. There is a scrappy rat terrier whose she feedin big pyreena chunks and each one is a biscuit t'him. She has a curly style could withstan several days partying if you keep it combed out n'spraid. So da curlz just be bob-een inna sank while she rince da dish. So, she keep it casual dat way an: reeyul.

On the mas-que lynne side, i cd be a peasant farmer and loaf of bread in dego-t swatting flies angerly at da rustic table, the one where he's really losing it. Good thang female side, from her tray-nang can do some clee-nup an doe-ne-vuh free-kout whan thangs start t'geuh-tang stee-yuf.

Monday, September 1, 2008

September: Month of Tranz Mission

Trannies and tran-sex is Tran-Zendnt.

"Sorry": Bitchiness is Part of My Culture

if you wunna take seven yeer yo
roll fo to figgr out: you ged-it, you
ennup evvy tam az da bee-yawtch.
I am tayking it all f'm u-soze I cn
keep it rill. min, I aina gennlmin.

"I'm a Man and a Woman, Too": Pegyah Now

Read up on sexy Peggy Yuah: ageless New-Age eccentric say she don't have any gender identity to prove... or hide.

Q: Peg, may I...

A: Of course, Donna.

Q: Peg, you've been picked on and panned for your free-roaming gender-benders at the cost of our society. How do you respond?

A: I think that I've got even more man in me than most of my Knowers would reflexively attribute. Gender? I see me as a liberated man more than a hot, modern woman. At home with his masculinity: it's his skin and he's wearing it. Not pasting on cardboard eyelashes and playing Vegas. I'm me with a pussy, and I'm me with a dick. Just so happens I've got one... or the other. And I feel good about that.

Q: This has been Dr. Donna Thong and I think just about everyone's favorite ritual goddess, Peg. The Pegyah! Give it up.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Advice to a Stripper on his First Night, 8/20/08, San Fernando Valley

I hear you've been in training, it's your first night, congratulations.
And I hear what you're trainer is telling you, and I might just add
that: to let yourself move to the music, to let the music move you.
I mean I realize there's a certain set of motions you've got to set o-
ff to get your body moving and the right parts of it and that's okay
but sooner or later every dancer is going to develop his own perso-
nal sense of style. And the good thing is we like your bodies so it d-
oesn't matter at all. Do you love the Pegyuh? Ga-halala-la. Lalaha.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Do Not Forth Call Pegyuh

The darkest beacon is most powerful for it sucks. Dark beacon need not call; beacon, a dark one, just pool you in. Muhalala-beacon. Muhlala-lalahala-lala-lahalala-beacon.

Come, Flesh

Peggy had a lucid moment while crying and grabbed for the camera. She placed the orange-faced, puffy, actual tears falling pic on a swinging singles' site she'd been frequenting. There was no answer, no comment, but that seemed to be the best of outcomes. It was meant to be stunning, not icebreaking. She hoped it had killed everyone just for a sec. That would explain a lull, an angel passing over, but not this total banishment from the play sand. Then she guessed that whatever good the photo had done her fellow shivhole lurkers spiritually, the effect had priusnear reached its peak. And she needed now once again to attract flesh towards her.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

[please note]

Please Note:
Many of these entries should be encountered with the background of a thudding, bumping beat. Damn if you dint tip the muthuhfo-cow fitty dolla fo he letchew be da DJ!

Once in a Hole

Once in a hole the ancients used to pass drugs through to the next cavern, I heard the ritzy neighbor lady screaming, wife of a famous author, not really screaming but loudly, loudly speaking: "What a bunch of shit, honey. Well. That's... what a lot of shit, darling." I believe she was speaking to her daughter, who could not match her volume. It occurred to me how that kind of feedback could have been helpful to one in a place, at a time.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Dehumanization by Corporate Decree

The front-line shivic reps are often culled from the lower socio-economic levels. They are fine for convincing their own compatriots in their own jargon to submit to the policies and behavior of PharmSupply. Then it goes on to Supervisor I, who is often just a custie-serv who has been able to weather worshiper abuse for longer than any of her colleagues and can be counted upon for her pleasant and determined contempt for the caller crossed with a very effective vocal and rhetorical method of inflicting maximum pain while leaving no visible marks whatsoever.

The highest level reps are cool-- people you wouldn't mind hanging out with or at least wouldn't have a panic attack over if you were stuck with them in a buffet line at the stone of a mutual friend, for example. And you are more likely to be kind and considerate toward them because it is all the more likely that these persons actually are acquainted with someone that you know personally, or at the very least that they would most likely be worthy opponents were the dispute ever to reach the level of Blood Sacrament.

Today's Reps on Profile:

Marco 622703
I imagined a weekend trip with his hairy open shirt.

Janine 622998
She seemed to have had a couple of kids at home and everyone else was the enemy.

Kitty 621783
Once, she had broken men's wills and hearts.

Boots 622419
Could have had most of the necessary tools for bike repair in his basement. My best guess is white cotton briefs and tube socks.

Alan 621067
Should be running it, but can't stop flaming.

Tinky 622350
Intern of Custie-Shiv: Breath of strong wheaty-sulfur opening, rotted lawn clippings with dog crap notes. Nickname: "La Chi Chi"