Showing posts with label pimping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pimping. Show all posts

Monday, May 15, 2023

it's all about choices

I got an out call from a Jan who was on a house sitting hustle at a really nice Highchank palacio almost entirely obscured by the 3-hooptie garage door. In fact she had to crank it open just so i could get in, which put me a little sour since i had to walk there from the coils, which were very loose that day. 

She sits me in a parlor like where you'd blow the butler and says she was a little concerned because i looked like a thug in my picture. I look at her a little harsh at the same time she's saying not in person though, not at all. 

I was all ok, got a bathroom? I think the Jan felt obligated to wait for me in the salon de fellatio to demonstrate her mindful wakefulness towards diversity and inclusion. Or she was delirious on shiv or fasting. She let me wander from room to room demonstrating my low urgency towards getting to know her better. I did feel urgent, but it was more about the Jan's purse, which was gaping open on a plinth. 

Then there were five shiny coins in my pocket as i told her i could hear the horn calling all the way from Chukkachank, that i'd learned to distinguish it from the cry of a bird, so i'd better get going now. 

Bitch did not miss a beat. Oh, that's a shame, hope i didn't offend you, good to meet you tho, got everything? 

MPS got me? Not even a butch K's dick from the mouth of the coils. I say what, it's an emergency? They're like naw, we like coming up in this neighborhood. 

So you just ignoring the calls from fucked-up barrios? 

Naw, they got they own justice. 

Say i know a Jan who's DTF. What say you check her out to see she ok and let me catch my spring. 

The one MPS goes that's not us, craning out her neck. We take you instead and abuse you in our jail. 

Hahahahaha! I was cracking up and slapping my thigh until they jabbed me with a pharmsupply corrective and did exactly what they said they would. 

They have special restraints like the ones for Ks but tiny for hybrids. I was awake and screaming with my mind only. I was mostly angry not in pain. They figured out the location of my flap vents and dorsal expressors and drained as much funk as they could. 

I get back to the hangar acting normal. I curl up behind a bone mound breathing deeply. I can't blame anyone. My ancestry is recklessness, but they say it's all about choices. 

by Reptily-ily
Phyllis (trans.)

Tuesday, January 17, 2023



Well they've got to realize that from the very first moment of our employment, they were setting us up as opponents. Not quote coworkers. 


Yes, we had to draw straws. For seniority. We were starting the same day. 


We had to strategize. There weren't just two straws. There was a lidded grass basket. 


The tips of seven straws were sticking out at just the same length. 


They were made of balsa wood. Guess they got them at the HR supply along with the psych kits. 


The HR lady's palm was holding the basket, gently turning and lifting so that it seemed to hover in space. 


I went for the shiv on a plate after volca rule. Take the closest one. 


Lost opportunity. You had first shot. I would have taken


I know, the one closest to me in case the HR lady had rigged it that way. 


That's not to say I didn't strategize. I mean


Right, you're the boss now. Seems to fit you. 


Do you think that bossships are for the bossy? 




What is ambition: putting to best use your strongest gifts for the good of all or a coincidentally necessary expression of paranoia and contempt for humanity? That the nirvanic system needs quote leaders to tell the workers what to do and use pain and pleasure to bend them to Mthyuh's willhead.  


Or that each of them as well are ambitious and recognize other ambitious servants and honor them and serve honorably to honor the nirvanas and the will of Mthyuh. Yes, all of that. 


That's good because sometimes I feel like an outlier, you know?

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Petting zoo

CONNIE: Aren't flying reptiles and volcanoes and/or their unexpected ancestors genre if not hackneyed fiction?

REPTILY: No because this happened. It's retro-journalism, historical reenactment.

CONNIE: So nothing new.

REPTILY: The part that the K's never went extinct at all, that they'd been kept and mutilated and tortured surreptitiously for all these ions by secretive corporations and rich perverted human moral monsters-- that is pretty new or at least since it actually did happen then whoever might have made it up either did just that or based it on uncited reports of what we've got firsthand knowledge. Also the voluntary interbreeding-- through religious sanctions, the hideous scarring rituals-- that's not made it to the big screen, anyway has it? With reptiles? Maybe birds like Lydia + Swan but no. Mythology other category.

CONNIE: What else is new.

REPTILY: I don't know if any of this is new, bitch. Sorry about it. Just saying we've got a right to tell our story no matter if it suits you entertainment wise. This is not a lap dance, no it's all T baby. No shade.

CONNIE: Ok bitch you get to work, sell the product.


CONNIE: Bai now.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Horz

I was just thinking how I'm resenting, maybe unfairly, all of my bitches lately. At first I say I'm turning over a new labia: never again will I hang my time out to dry on some lowlife hohoo ain't even turning tricks. Who think she can survive on my jism as a fix. Not so. Cuz that's too rich a treat for dependent mthyuhz cayn even work beyond her lips fer a snack o' some food stamp points fr the lil' baybeez. This is an economy fr double income, high rolling self starterz who can share meat as well as preen, luv. You got to have something equal to give if you gettin the biggest dickhead you ever seen, luv. Adoration don't make the queen, dove. She gotsta have a trade outside a shade an speckin pay in diemunz, mthyuh, cuz my preservation, above all the othyuh, is whut I spen my day lovin, not yo ass-jaded ball inspectrz with meterz on they taints an credit scorz like teen-mom newlywedz...


Friday, December 10, 2010

the human meat bazaars

Reptily loves telling stories of her childhood in the human meat bazaars. One endearing slave's Johnson was so large he would be ordered routinely to hold it still. It held metaphornical value as a coat rack, a radiator, a spritzer bottle. By way of salutation, you'd jive, "Just don't move, daddy!" in place of [his name] or ciao. For fear of insurrection or other friction, it was gathered to be the phrase Wayne wd encounter most often. Just as cruel were the simultaneous demands for hot verbalization. Two central desires, to act and be wordless, were denied him during moments of nature's most strenuous command. This was Wayne's work and Wayne's sacrifice. Bereft of options either for civil disobedience or employment, he wd oblige the temple-step tithe monitors to collect their coins by shameful finger from deep inside his snakeskin lucre sash.

Reptily was watching with blackened eye, from bed of filthy rag, beneath a corn hooptie when Wayne finally met his ticket to the middle chanks, a kidnapped preachers' kid from Fordamall. Jan's bare-shouldered, curly-shod traffickers were scraping her encumbrance along a pinched and moldring callejón, high on a mirrored pillow. Her veil branks was fine as wisps of smoke out the nostrils; wrought-iron finch seemed to dash for liberty from the fancy, cage-like dental installation; her head was razored to crushed velvet pile. He bought her where she sat. Without hesitation, for a five-teated cull nanny and a few ribald shouts, Wayne set Jan free. Jan took Wayne home. Jan's dad bought Wayne. Now Wayne just moans. Jan can now see. Wayne is on top. Jan says, "Don't stop..."

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Drop-In Center

In this village, there's still a camera shop.
But the money stopped with a red dream
And chop, chop. We put a drop-in center
For the third gender made whores of, but
They mothers started showing up. My son,
You told me you went for bleach, shaves.
Sheaths. This is where the rice thrasher's
Dogs and chillun play Carom with poker
Chips. The neighbors came round with
Sticks and chrysanthemum paste. There
were fights, but now when we see goat heads
In the street, we can say, here, I brought
Some money. Internationals need batteries.
No more swatting; you must say hi to me.

I am Hoolie

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Voodoo is The Law

It's very nice to hear your voice again,
and I'm grateful to you for all your help.

I wonder if our love is covered by
corporment or mercenary int'rests.

I save all my masculine energy
for transfer to hot skull shrinks like yourself.

As in one who flirts only with barkeeps,
wanting spent has a safety handicap.

Ref'rence to lucre can cheapen your trade;
I feel so sad to see it end this way.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bandanna Bandito

There's a restaurant attached to a motel at the edge of town that gives onto a convalescent home across the highway, Chalk Chank Manor. It was shut down for a reason that's mysterious in a town whose most powerful most always get a pass in the press. The Manor is the last real estate that's not pharmland or plain sand from there to Chukka, way beneath the turn of the horizon. The road takes a deep dip also, at the bottom of which there's a mannequin who looks like a bandanna bandito selling junk wood. Kevin has evening meals

there at Finister's, flirting with bologna-face truckers, cement miners and horny carpetbaggers. After a quick dip at the newspaper machine by the door, he'll walk in and spread the Sports N' Alleged Sex Crimes Bugle across the chilly tabletop of the booth with the best view and look out on the dusk. The dead palms at The Manor have radically U-turned, their fronds upside down. The blacktop between is untrammeled enough to be a runway of sorts. Enterers see Finister's and The Manor and Manor Motel as their de facto introduction to the Low Chanks.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

In Spite of your Religion

in spite of your religion, free radicals show the peace sign;
no matter what you say, my bitch got the soffess hairy butthole;
including discounts for malaise, nobody cheaper than this ass heeyah;
even if today a calendar day, we off menses for gentses, baybee;
whenever you want to cleeyah, focus on the natural way, padre;
if you don't want to create, let's negotiate a state wair you pay, Jack;
Cuz in the sack yo funny bone don't drive me home less I blind.

Chang K. Chang Chank Tank Chain Gang Grain Bank

On behalf of da Chang K. Chang Chank Tank Chain Gang Grain Bank, we grant you passage through R Bowel. U have bled yor Ked's in da bed for some bread and accepted a towelette, Jim. Now it's time to liven up to yor debt an swim.

Chang K. Chang Chank Tank Chain Gang Grain Bank [the MP3]

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Miserable Smoking Child Cardiologist

I have to tell the babies when they're dead;
It's all the universe needed me for.
It's like bending horseshoes into poodles.

I find survival with access to jets.
Clown white before complementary drinks,
I take my hotel suite and sob and sleep.

I am totally hypnotized by cock.
The Pharmers pay me all in stock,
But I tremble at the size of their teeth.

How could I cart a young husband around
Near parents glowing with hysteria--
Explaining that he's just my Playtime King?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Trukk Stoppe Ho

Truck-stop Ho:
Truck-stop Ho:
Truck-stop Ho:

Yor aways mad when I leave you or upset when I didn't need you
Little Rembrandt of a paisley weasel, you are a slime right where a
man seeks some lube, chall. When I rent you, I feel all I get is a m-
-all! o' wheezing crine, Tiny. Anchored in whatch-u-whan! (a meal).
Truck stop ho. Truck stop ho. Truck stop ho.

If we can both just agree that you with me, lady, Mother of Evening,
you can leave aside your pleading, rise up and serve me, Muthuh W
-heel. You roll the dough, but someone rounded off the dice, Lucile;
Muthuh Wheel, give yor nights off such a feel, like the bride o' krais,
Muthuh Wheel, Truck-Stop Ho, Muthuh Wheel.

Here in this rain-po puddle, a man can meet a thousand jet-setting
sangle, from all seven corners o' the building; but then what is he h
-olding but his own butt in a butcher-shop case. When in Boulder, h-
ook up with the look-up king of older trade names: The Roller. He a
-ck laik he on TV bowling when he rilly in the gutter.

Trukk Stoppe Ho:
Trukk Stoppe Ho:
Trukk Stoppe Ho.

Trukk Stoppe Ho [the MP3]

Friday, April 10, 2009

Maundy Friday

Won't even roll over when I shuffle into the room, but they on they knees bathing my feet when I stoop to weep. Go away, M'Lady; go away, Missy La-La. Gonna put you bitches to work one day. When I feel depress, you shake your tails like a single kaleidoscopic Goddess of Asses. I want to turn your force on my enemies. Stanky bitchcunt of infinity. Love weapon. Merciless forgiver. Virgin of recycling. Inundation. Burning saliva. Breath that cuts and scars in rosettes. Christ command me! How much time have I spent in bed? It's a Maundy Friday.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Re-mote Decision-ang

Ref. remote muscular proxy (RMP), remote tissue decisioning (RTD), remote muscular proxy piloting (RMPP).

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Peggy's Last Chance

If someone would marry me, I'd come back. I'd take a high cave near Mthyuh with her steam falling across the front holes like curly bangs. Before the grafting my perp and me we'd have a nest of K's right there in the window box and send them out looking for my little ones. The four of us could briefly live as one before taking over each a hill or shivbar. We can pimp each other out as models and spokesmen. We can pose at the oracle for Volca. I would need to come out of my skin and sleep inside his shell at night.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bitchy Community

if you are wearing a wig that's totally straight
and natural baby so it won't melt in contact
with a square, just maybe fizzle, and you can
let it fly, "we don't have time to be in line. we
bitches. we need men now, we don't think any-
much else is funnie. we bitches cuz we've our
freedom and we prettie pissed aboudit," al-
ways standing in a slak circle smoking and
pointing rocked back on one long boot heel.
i am making a stand here near a gutter to say
look, it idn't right. and she's in there (pointing
out) and i'm out here (pointing down) after..."
whatever. then all the sudden they laughing,
they laughing, wild, start scratching each
other tops and poolin hair. they exhausted act-
ing animals that way, leanback on a public
bench giving each udda da dubba-berrl out
f'm undah dey skirts o' dresses. "u a slag."

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Watched Bitch is Free

If you go out with them the dogs will romp and play-- there's plenty of space in the back yard.
If you are inside though inside they'll stay-- you'll be walking on them and them on each other.
If you come in and lock them out they'll just sit and stand around by the door and cry and fight.
If they stay inside too long by the same token they get restless and too rowdy with each other.
So to them freedom is two things: not any enclosed space and mostly free when you are there.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

my wives

golden furious, tawny redwing, cater pillar, mother ESP, tawny redwing, tawny redwing.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Everyone started dreaming of a death. The death could have been a murder, and it had them all tossing and turning. It could have been any one of them. They just couldn't remember for sure because it had been so far back in their collective history.

They'd see one another sitting in a doctor's waiting room down at Pharm-Supply or standing in line for remote muscular pilot (RMP) debugging.

Chama, a 35-year-old topless black goddess, piped up:

Used to be they'd take you in a cave and show you which demon you had and try to scare it away. They assumed you were perfectly fine you know, it was the demon that was in you causing pro'ms chile.

Now I can't even say the name of the demon yall got even though I know what it is. Has to be a special ceremony for that. Incense cost money. Know what I mean?

I been scoured spiritually inside and out. They don't make me do that RMP stuff. I'm like the movie of a real woman you can see on the screen of your pain all the other times when I'm not present emotionally.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Eaters Feeding

It was always nice to be pretty, yes, but a man might be like, "Yes, okay, you are fine, love-- but I am getting what I really need right here from this business,' pointing at your anatomy. 'Now do you mind? I'm kind of busy here.' Like that. Then I'd just be... [look up in air while thrusting pelvis]. Never would take my boots off though.
map 1.9  2008/06/03 22:54:33 38.836N 122.809W  2.4    4 km ( 3 mi) N   of The Geysers, CA
map 1.7 2008/06/03 22:49:48 33.038N 115.558W 14.2 6 km ( 4 mi) E of Westmorland, CA
map 0.9 2008/06/03 22:43:01 38.815N 122.808W 3.5 2 km ( 1 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
map 1.5 2008/06/03 21:46:23 37.738N 117.811W 0.0 31 km (19 mi) SW of Weepah, NV
map 2.2 2008/06/03 21:30:19 33.015N 115.558W 11.7 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
map 2.2 2008/06/03 20:46:37 36.273N 120.252W 3.6 16 km (10 mi) WNW of Huron, CA
map 1.7 2008/06/03 20:37:27 32.677N 115.957W 8.1 8 km ( 5 mi) SSE of Ocotillo, CA
map 2.0 2008/06/03 20:22:54 36.244N 120.360W 10.8 11 km ( 7 mi) N of Coalinga, CA
map 1.3 2008/06/03 20:22:04 38.791N 122.771W 4.3 3 km ( 2 mi) ESE of The Geysers, CA
map 1.3 2008/06/03 20:00:43 39.550N 119.939W 4.0 4 km ( 3 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul, NV
map 1.6 2008/06/03 19:52:34 32.679N 115.974W 4.9 7 km ( 4 mi) SSE of Ocotillo, CA
MAP 3.9 2008/06/03 19:29:04 38.243N 122.181W 10.8 2 km ( 1 mi) SW of Green Valley, CA
map 0.9 2008/06/03 19:25:21 38.819N 122.798W 4.3 2 km ( 2 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
map 1.4 2008/06/03 19:05:18 39.550N 119.939W 4.0 4 km ( 3 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul, NV
map 1.6 2008/06/03 18:58:35 41.244N 114.831W 8.0 19 km (12 mi) NE of Wells, NV
map 1.6 2008/06/03 18:51:11 39.550N 119.939W 4.0 4 km ( 3 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul, NV
map 1.1 2008/06/03 18:45:35 39.550N 119.939W 4.0 4 km ( 3 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul, NV
map 1.4 2008/06/03 18:26:21 32.763N 115.563W 12.9 3 km ( 2 mi) S of El Centro, CA
map 1.7 2008/06/03 18:12:07 33.640N 117.919W 7.5 3 km ( 2 mi) SSW of Costa Mesa, CA
map 1.3 2008/06/03 17:58:16 33.889N 116.065W 8.7 24 km (15 mi) NE of Indio, CA
map 1.4 2008/06/03 17:45:07 34.220N 117.130W 0.1 2 km ( 2 mi) NW of Running Springs, CA
map 2.4 2008/06/03 17:40:20 35.842N 120.385W 4.4 8 km ( 5 mi) SSE of Parkfield, CA
map 1.1 2008/06/03 17:28:41 33.708N 116.727W 21.6 4 km ( 3 mi) SSW of Idyllwild, CA
map 1.2 2008/06/03 17:18:08 38.777N 122.718W 1.8 2 km ( 1 mi) W of Anderson Springs, CA
map 1.4 2008/06/03 17:06:03 33.046N 115.560W 18.4 6 km ( 4 mi) E of Westmorland, CA
map 1.8 2008/06/03 16:53:09 33.022N 115.546W 12.6 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
map 1.4 2008/06/03 16:41:16 39.550N 119.939W 4.0 4 km ( 3 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul, NV
map 1.6 2008/06/03 16:25:24 33.374N 117.588W 0.1 8 km ( 5 mi) SSE of San Clemente, CA
map 1.2 2008/06/03 16:13:01 33.691N 116.724W 19.9 6 km ( 4 mi) S of Idyllwild, CA
map 1.0 2008/06/03 16:09:33 33.598N 116.668W 19.5 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Anza, CA
map 1.8 2008/06/03 16:08:41 33.109N 117.836W 6.6 42 km (26 mi) SSW of San Clemente, CA
map 1.7 2008/06/03 16:08:00 34.333N 116.773W 5.8 10 km ( 6 mi) NE of Big Bear City, CA
MAP 3.1 2008/06/03 16:06:32 33.668N 116.724W 14.7 9 km ( 5 mi) S of Idyllwild, CA
map 1.1 2008/06/03 16:00:49 33.683N 116.719W 15.1 7 km ( 4 mi) S of Idyllwild, CA
map 2.4 2008/06/03 15:59:48 35.702N 121.048W 6.7 14 km ( 9 mi) ENE of San Simeon, CA
map 0.8 2008/06/03 15:55:04 39.550N 119.939W 0.0 4 km ( 3 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul, NV
map 1.5 2008/06/03 15:54:43 33.025N 115.547W 20.8 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
map 1.4 2008/06/03 13:53:18 33.043N 115.562W 15.9 6 km ( 3 mi) E of Westmorland, CA
map 1.4 2008/06/03 13:50:06 39.569N 119.965W 2.0 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Verdi-Mogul, NV
map 1.1 2008/06/03 13:49:00 38.826N 122.810W 2.1 3 km ( 2 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
map 1.9 2008/06/03 13:39:30 33.795N 117.836W 13.7 1 km ( 1 mi) SSW of Orange, CA
map 0.6 2008/06/03 13:34:32 38.746N 122.900W 4.0 10 km ( 6 mi) SW of The Geysers, CA
map 1.4 2008/06/03 13:12:46 33.021N 116.259W 8.7 18 km (11 mi) SW of Ocotillo Wells, CA
map 2.5 2008/06/03 12:55:49 37.413N 121.763W 6.7 7 km ( 5 mi) NE of Alum Rock, CA
map 2.6 2008/06/03 12:45:38 33.029N 117.368W 15.0 9 km ( 6 mi) W of Encinitas, CA
map 0.7 2008/06/03 12:38:38 38.768N 122.770W 16.4 5 km ( 3 mi) SE of The Geysers, CA
map 2.1 2008/06/03 12:11:20 38.825N 122.802W 2.9 3 km ( 2 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
map 2.6 2008/06/03 12:01:21 37.353N 119.781W 19.7 12 km ( 7 mi) WNW of Oakhurst, CA
map 0.8 2008/06/03 11:13:20 38.820N 122.814W 3.1 2 km ( 2 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
map 1.9 2008/06/03 10:59:03 32.452N 116.417W 9.0 24 km (15 mi) ESE of Tecate, Baja California, Mexico
map 1.5 2008/06/03 10:56:16 33.375N 116.432W 27.2 15 km (10 mi) NNW of Borrego Springs, CA
map 1.3 2008/06/03 10:22:34 37.538N 118.864W 6.8 15 km ( 9 mi) SE of Mammoth Lakes, CA
map 1.8 2008/06/03 10:10:35 32.977N 115.630W 14.0 7 km ( 4 mi) S of Westmorland, CA
map 0.6 2008/06/03 10:09:29 38.839N 122.832W 2.3 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
map 1.0 2008/06/03 09:07:41 33.718N 116.672W 13.5 5 km ( 3 mi) SE of Idyllwild, CA
map 1.7 2008/06/03 09:01:31 33.020N 115.568W 12.7 5 km ( 3 mi) ESE of Westmorland, CA
map 2.3 2008/06/03 08:56:27 32.752N 115.576W 13.0 4 km ( 3 mi) SSW of El Centro, CA
map 1.0 2008/06/03 08:56:04 38.914N 122.888W 0.1 8 km ( 5 mi) SW of Kelseyville, CA
map 2.2 2008/06/03 08:47:47 33.030N 115.555W 13.0 6 km ( 4 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
map 2.8 2008/06/03 08:41:32 32.763N 115.572W 11.5 3 km ( 2 mi) SSW of El Centro, CA
map 1.9 2008/06/03 08:40:19 38.752N 122.731W 1.5 4 km ( 3 mi) SW of Anderson Springs, CA
map 2.8 2008/06/03 08:33:46 32.763N 115.574W 2.9 3 km ( 2 mi) SSW of El Centro, CA
map 2.8 2008/06/03 08:16:40 33.043N 115.569W 14.5 5 km ( 3 mi) E of Westmorland, CA
map 1.7 2008/06/03 08:12:57 34.308N 116.969W 6.1 9 km ( 6 mi) NW of town of Big Bear Lake, CA
map 2.0 2008/06/03 07:59:54 34.855N 116.389W 10.1 26 km (16 mi) NW of Ludlow, CA
map 1.1 2008/06/03 07:18:11 33.657N 116.716W 17.0 10 km ( 6 mi) S of Idyllwild, CA
map 1.1 2008/06/03 06:54:21 39.530N 119.912W 0.0 4 km ( 3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul, NV
map 0.9 2008/06/03 06:47:04 38.825N 122.791W 7.9 3 km ( 2 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
map 1.0 2008/06/03 06:40:44 34.060N 117.873W 10.4 4 km ( 2 mi) S of Covina, CA
map 1.7 2008/06/03 06:38:36 32.763N 115.575W 15.0 3 km ( 2 mi) SSW of El Centro, CA
map 1.6 2008/06/03 06:24:43 32.758N 115.568W 14.8 3 km ( 2 mi) SSW of El Centro, CA
map 0.3 2008/06/03 06:22:19 33.028N 115.549W 5.8 6 km ( 4 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
map 1.5 2008/06/03 06:21:54 32.761N 115.578W 15.0 4 km ( 2 mi) SSW of El Centro, CA
map 1.3 2008/06/03 06:21:48 32.786N 115.577W 11.2 2 km ( 1 mi) W of El Centro, CA
map 2.1 2008/06/03 06:14:30 32.789N 115.579W 12.0 2 km ( 1 mi) W of El Centro, CA
map 2.2 2008/06/03 06:13:23 32.778N 115.580W 14.9 2 km ( 1 mi) WSW of El Centro, CA
MAP 3.0 2008/06/03 05:51:45 32.750N 115.570W 15.4 4 km ( 3 mi) SSW of El Centro, CA
map 2.6 2008/06/03 05:50:04 32.763N 115.570W 11.5 3 km ( 2 mi) SSW of El Centro, CA
map 1.7 2008/06/03 05:45:49 32.789N 115.575W 12.5 2 km ( 1 mi) W of El Centro, CA
map 2.3 2008/06/03 05:42:15 32.767N 115.578W 12.4 3 km ( 2 mi) SW of El Centro, CA
map 2.5 2008/06/03 05:40:29 32.750N 115.575W 14.8 5 km ( 3 mi) SSW of El Centro, CA
map 2.6 2008/06/03 05:39:19 32.756N 115.573W 13.5 4 km ( 2 mi) SSW of El Centro, CA
map 0.9 2008/06/03 05:32:05 38.832N 122.804W 2.2 4 km ( 2 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
map 2.1 2008/06/03 05:30:52 37.300N 121.674W 6.2 15 km ( 9 mi) E of Seven Trees, CA
map 1.5 2008/06/03 05:26:39 33.146N 116.615W 15.0 9 km ( 5 mi) NNW of Julian, CA
map 1.7 2008/06/03 05:23:29 37.423N 118.615W 10.1 2 km ( 1 mi) WNW of Round Valley, CA
map 1.3 2008/06/03 05:23:27 33.995N 117.197W 15.2 7 km ( 4 mi) SSW of Redlands, CA
map 1.1 2008/06/03 05:16:11 33.501N 116.570W 10.6 11 km ( 7 mi) ESE of Anza, CA
map 2.2 2008/06/03 05:08:34 39.523N 119.922W 1.6 3 km ( 2 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul, NV
map 1.8 2008/06/03 05:04:23 32.765N 115.575W 16.4 3 km ( 2 mi) SSW of El Centro, CA
map 1.0 2008/06/03 05:01:19 33.498N 116.474W 16.1 19 km (12 mi) ESE of Anza, CA
map 1.3 2008/06/03 04:56:05 37.314N 121.602W 8.3 21 km (13 mi) ESE of Alum Rock, CA