Thursday, April 4, 2024
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Whacked-out ingenue stomping around the musuem
this is a song i can't say to you without singing
it's an ancient pattern that also works for fishing
men knitting thinking they praying to they wives
wives teats hanging heavy as hoopties with babies
sing another song also not the one i'm singing to you
but there is a child one all alone out there in the cold
he might be standing on a windy bridge singing
i feel alone yet so free out here i don't want to go home
i figure in this scene it seems to make room for me
and every morning walking home the sun is up for me
they must make room for me here and my reasons
they must consider my reasons and my innocence
it must speak back to them about they own trajectories
way they left they keys they left they innocence
this is the outside world all meeting together with me
this is the impression i leave on nature itself
while i find the key to get back on out again
nature sit outside the protection from enemies
yet nature let your natural friends come
if you're young you've got natural mojo and
there are those that come around protect the
fine young leather bound for treasure bound
together bound in pleasure an more pleasure
an the hard side of town way they knock at
your door for the rent or turn the music down
and you get it that all whores are workers and
all workers are whores and you want to
burn it down, eat it up, burn it down, eat it up
burn it down burn it down burn it down burn it
up and eat it up and be eaten up and eat it up and
burn it up and take it down and take it up and
this is the song i couldn't say to you this is the
story i can't tell you because it never ends
it's a trajectory that carries on the winds of time
it makes a circle and then a swirly and then
a silver line a landing a griddle a very firm bed
a sheet of ice a melting sea of liberty
this is the story the story i am singing to you
by Missy
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Story of the Unfairness Prong
Reptily is a post-feminist punk chick who spent most of her 30's deliberately topless
until the xeno-anomalous features began kicking in
and it started to confuse the message
soon no clothing was necessary even tho the finest makers would make her clothing
but they didn't want to be insulting
she soared so proudly, nature unfolding
then after a traumatic event or two they say of her own making
she set the Chanklands quaking
burst the babies' ear drums with her laughing
they took her and tried to fold her in as they had when she was tiny Missy
she had a lounge act and did time
on a cruise ship for shiny coins
the onlybody knew reptily powers were her mom: Mkidza Mlaf
they started they shiv joint in a storefront on a
dead Sears parking triangle
that was when the K5000 arrived it looked like LaPegyuh in disguise
she was a towering flesh-hung flier stomper everything
with a tortured face
but she was not LaPegyuh it was her meat under remote muscle positioning (RMP)
there is a scientific arm the sacred arm of the MPS
they were corrupted by Jans
they wanted a restart to finally do the Extinction Takeback Agreement (ETA)
so fine great but Jans made them into
slaves toys soldiers enemies wild
they had already been folded into lavajraja from the earliest days they are
mythical creatures and pests like tigers
they are the mouths of laMthyuh
they are the swooping answer to prayer take me into truth beauty most holy mouth
Eat me first eat me now i am ready lalala
nothing happens unless you don't expect it
Minutes: Destruction Review Days
Phyliss (embedded)
Sports n' Sex Crimes Bugle
voiceless breath
now going for the open-throated voiceless breath
gruntless air unimpeded by the song of complaint
revolt resistance alarm remark must only be shaped
by the upper locks and low-girding pistons
this is how to fan a flame not pinch it out
the breath not the beat must create the rhythm
not where any convention spells death as in poetry
when breathing is beaten and choked to pulpy bits
air flows best in the channels invisible of reference
no tune of childhood jack in box will abduct
my forward-aiming whisper-only bellows
or the smoke on my billowing clear tendrils
our gut flora soaring for their measly lives
or this desultory yet shameless carbon-dioxide
no raga no jig nor carol can jam the engine
non-metaphoric breath itself must come first
before the florid code or plea for recognition
the slide and squeal of wet tendons in contact
could be no more than nothing without air
which as breath shall be my fulcrum and lever
by Peg
Saturday, March 23, 2024
None of us can think of a way to take out the K-5000 without Jan barleycorn. It will be a multigenerational battle. A tragically high percentage of us will die violently, go crazy, and/or end up in the cement mines, all from the alcohol alone.
There will not be many deaths in battle, and unfortunately, not much disfigurement either. The MPS knows that anybody can get rich on a relic tour with an interesting configuration of missing mangled scarred (MMS) body parts.
So we'll take our casualties how we find them, get them self-inflict them, and we'll use any fuel, toxic or not, that will keep the movement fervent. We'll seek out Pharmsupply that makes us fight beyond our natural inclination to submit and get by.
from: Early Recruit
by Jan Jansdaad, Jr.
Monday, March 18, 2024
Documents captured from Choose Your Death (CYD) program
Notification to MOD applicant:
You have elected a manner of death (MOD) that has reached its participant cap for your district. Please select a new MOD from this list of currently available MODs:
- cancer: debilitating, non-disfiguring, term of 5 (five) years*
- heart failure: term of = / > 3 (three) years, + mandatory surgical interventions TBD*
- heart failure: fancy vittles parlor, term of 7–15 minutes*
- sorrow, regret: term of = / > 10 (ten) years
- industrial machinery-related: term of 3–6 days, disfiguring*
- public deadheading: immediate, tiny shopping plaza, basic staging, disfiguring, payout goes to MPS Charities*
- public deadheading: immediate, mid-sized stadium, open for subsequent event, disfiguring, no payout
- pre-birth termination: This is obviously not an available election for you unless you are still within a womb or bun oven. Throughout history, and barring the random prank or stunt, MPS has never received a single legitimate application or inquiry about PBT from any eligible party Crack-wide. For this reason, it has been categorized as the least desirable MOD and therefore, pre-indemnified for the highest payout, TBD, based off wind flux. Full menu of palliatives, legal and media representation, [touch box] [] immediate [] slow [] i'm feeling lucky
If you have not selected a manner of death from the list above by the rising of the [ ] moons, a MOD will be assigned by MPS on your behalf.
*palliative substances are disapproved for this election
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Sarco Peña, Jr.: They gets a reprint and is all the better for it
The potion was starting to affect his pronouns. Then they saw the reason for the trip. Nature himself became creepy, like a poem by Issa Tambda-Eites. It would take a chank-wide effort to find what we were cruising for. Where wuz Joe Vodrz when I needed they? I'd never considered the wear-down vs. build-up paradox in terms of the mind, but the flesh myself was locked into a technological journey, so much so that you mistook us for a keypunch machine. I understand the categorization of creatures by how much they deserves to exist on the planetary surface, but if you land on just about any single point of these your lands, this won't be anything to see, as far as the eye can see.
There's also been a breakdown or a breach of the (BWHS): breathing walking humming system. Each has become so symbiotically entrenched that none can function without both others. All three are categorized as implausible at that time. How did I reach these point? In the 70's men's asses were shitty. In the 80's they seemed to have become dilated. In the 90's they smelled of latex. By the aughts, they'd taken on a set form and dimension matching whichever whomever she were hosting on the regular. In terms of A-holes, and throughout our history, the most personally inconsequential members of your society were, by default genetic chance manner, in control of itself most precious resource: breath of laMthyuh. These few irreprehensible flekes among their caste are renowned Crack-wide for the sweet-grassy tamber of he privileged farts.
Ayre Fromme-Diaz [trans.]
the more i sought oblivion
the more i sought oblivion
the closer i stepped
toward actual oblivion
more quickly that i seeped
through cracks cum rivers
enthralled in weightlessness
on a channel of quiet souls
who're going the same way
the means match the reward
the choices that i made
or opposites thereof
arrive at the same outcome
my smile is forced
but not by me
a skull has no lips to close
Poetry Festival
Days of Destruction
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Please contact my avatar
For this purpose, please contact my avatar.
I'm already stepping into uncomfortable territory.
She used to do the grunt work only. Not anymore.
Contact my avatar for:
Collections, deliveries, bad news
Don't leave without your
How do you think we've stamped out war?
My hooptie became a car on TV the day
You know what day.
See her not me for appropriate conversation
Tell her what time it is but please ask me
For filling in bullets or text boxes
She can process billions of detoxes
Her secret i believe involves numeration
while i'm more ABC. Submit your evaluations
to my avatar.
What if the only way you could have me
directly would be
in your arms?
by Donna
Sunday, March 3, 2024
alienated from nature, betrayed by natural law
"Once, I was strange; now, the world is strange."
This time, Missy had not wandered in absent-minded reflection to end up at the cement railing around the back gardens overlooking the sea and the sunsets. She had deliberately sought it out. However, she did not form this plan into language, even in her mind only, because she knew that he was, in many ways, all-knowing.
"Talking to yourself again?" answered Mike, not-coincidentally happening to be coming back again, back up the path from the sparkling meditation pool, wet and naked.
"Of course not." Missy could shoot back with earnest pique.
"Oh, I didn't mean to..."
"I speak to Mthyuh, of course, and the Hearing Deities, to my blood soaring high above, and to all the listeners and those who listen in The Known Crack and beyond.
Wehma Innuhneh
Friday, March 1, 2024
Junky Tundra
[The contents of this post have been abruptly and censoriously removed by the MPS.]
Ayre Fromme-Diaz [trans.]
Splendor at day's end
For some reason, Missy paused and looked back on her day. She just happened to be leaning on the masonry fence of a terrace overlooking the sea, the sky, and the sunsets. Bathed in yellow, green and purple, shiny gold bangles weighing as much as hoopties in her ears, Missy thought, "I've pretty much spent my waking hours doing things others might find offensive, jarring, inexplicable, conniving, selfish, hostile, boorish, or the most unforgivable of all: impolite.
"But I want to acknowledge now, to myself and to la Mthyuh, that the choices I've made were bad, but not mistaken. My actions are mine and they are deliberate, not inadvertent, careless, reactive, manic, depressive, involuntary, sleep walking or flying, not prompted by hunger, thirst, lust, or...
"Wait. Yes, today, my actions were prompted by hunger, thirst, lust, mean spiritedness, irritability, and also a strong sense of justice along with the attitude, however realistic, that I've nothing to lose."
"More like no one." It was Mike, coming up the path from the pool. He grabbed a length of passionflower vine from the wall of the estate to wrap around his naked waist because he was a good and honorable man.
"I didn't know—I..." pantomimed Missy, freshly manicured, in a startle pose.
"I have enough K blood in me to speak with my mind only," explained Mike with his mind only.
"There's a really lot that you've got, isn't there?" Missy let herself blurt out.
Sunday, February 25, 2024
Upgraded Services for Humilderies, Miracles and Blessings
Beginning today and throughout the entire cycle of moons
Care for your medical emergencies will be administered as follows:
Humilderies (non-wound related, unless surgical, viral or bacterial infections, all mental health gripes, transplants, mysteries): Report to your district's clinic-cantina or the centre indicated on your W.A.S.T.E. papers. We have regular drugs as well as a full complement of palliative applications and potions to help get you through this humiliating loss of control over your own health and back to living and working responsibly.
Miracles & blessings: Please report to Central Shiv Joint, MPS Village. We'll do our best to process your miracle or blessing with the respect and reverence for which you've been chosen. Our services can include (in return for registering your miracle or blessing with MPS Ministries): scar preservation and wound color retention, healing-in-place procedures to help you retain and leverage all received limb and/or spine morphoses permanently and in accordance with lavajraja (say "vajraja" here), prosthetic K5000 signals that can also help you retain mobility, retrieval (if granted by predator) and pickling of lost body fragments through certified MPS processes and authority, and discounts at any MPS pilgrim's hut or hunter's burrow, as available, for all future miracles and blessings alms tours you may find yourself up to embarking upon for a holy and prosperous career toward La Mthyuh. If you are blessed with any future events such as a targeted beach dump or punishing splash at Fire Shore, we will provide all required apostilles and transmittals free of additional charge.
"Upgraded Services for Humilderies, Miracles, and Blessings"
Phyllis [trans.]
likely emergency
i woke up in a kung-fu movie
a generous bloke next to me
a jar of valium for free
non-stop kicking on the
screen, etc.
my own knee could barely
fit between my ass and the
seat back in front of me
and my high-ass wood-
block heels, and so on
because it was my city
and as a child there were these
shields around me, e.g.
being on a ledge that was privy
as in likely emergency
by Reptily
Saturday, February 24, 2024
But unlike you, I have lived a life of near total secularity. I'm not afraid of the K5000.
Not even as it tracks and adjusts the movements of your limbs and spine?
Those are behaviors I'd never elect to manage even if I had the choice. Braino is vastly more powerful wherever the K5000 can underwrite some of the grunt work.
Know and name thine enemy, dear friend. Even if you'll have nothing to do with lavajraja.
I know that you can say it and that you feel good saying and having said it lavajraja.
Ok I better sign off. You caught me at a very late point in my life this time. Talk to your minister of technology, but I'd scope it for early to mid adulthood. They're burying me tomorrow, man.
Oh, so sorry. For your loss?
No, you're sorry about interrupting me when I'm trying to die.
Ok. I do feel bad about that. Damn connection. Next week we'll find a much spiffier moment for the both of us.
Take care, Jan.
You as well, Dr. Thong.
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Make the K-5000 Make Your Job Better
[create image] In the steaming rubble of his family's vittles emporium, on [change to] a heap of steaming rubble rising above a small crowd of dazed and angry flekes, Jan Jansdaad stands [create image] balancing himself on bare feet at the top of the heap. [create moving image] He raises an arm in a classic rhetorical manner, and a bandage unfurls from his wrist: the symbol we know of today as [create image] our flag, a single white ribbon with an embroidered scarlet J.
[Add dialog Clip #] As I stand here on this steaming heap of rubble, all that's left of my family's vittles emporium, all that's left, perhaps, of some members of my family, I wonder how a man can speak still and bear the weight of this horror!
Indeed I wonder how a man can speak and why, apart from doggedly following ancient traditions, we must also submit to the murdering beasts that darken these skies! But I do not require light to see the MPS's treachery!
Why indeed do we have the gift of speech, unlike those dead just yards below my feet? May we speak so as not to kill or kill when they do not hear us speak! [create image: Jansdaad's fists clenching his bloody tunic]
[Add dialog Clip #] Jan Jansdaad, what can we do now. What is our response? [create image: turban-headed figure in crowd holding both arms high in the air]
[Add dialog Clip #] I chuck my dead into La Mthyuh. I beg that she eat me next. And next, all of you. And then we must destroy the K-5000! [create image: crowd of dusty and injured Jantownsmen shaking fists and shouting or falling to their knees and tearing at their hair; BKGRD: skies obscured by three colossal Ks drizzling rain-like urine] Destroy the K-5000! Destroy the K-5000!
from: Practice File 3
MPS Special Seminar:
Friday, February 16, 2024
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Remove the word should from your complaint
Pilgrim 1: Sometimes i'm not sure if i should pray to lachama and try to reason with Braino or try to reason with lachama and pray to Braino.
Pilgrim 2: ...
Pilgrim 1: How about you?
Pilgrim 2: When i pray to either lachama or Braino or try and reason with either Braino or lachama, after a while, it has become a hypomania, or i enter a fugue state, but not voluntarily.
Pilgrim 1: Is it uncomfortable for you?
Pilgrim 2: What? No.
Pilgrim 1: ...
Pilgrim 2: How about you. You sound confused.
Pilgrim 1: Ya. Not feeling it at all.
Pilgrim 2: Well lavajraja is not a feeling tho. It is a dharma lavajraja la vajra of lachama.
Pilgrim 1: Vajraja.
Pilgrim 2: Remove the word should from your complaint.
Pilgrim 1: Huh
Pilgrim 2: Do it
Pilgrim 1: Sometimes i'm not sure if i pray to lachama and try to reason with Braino or try to reason with lachama and pray to Braino.
Pilgrim 2: You're good to go now
Sunday, February 4, 2024
What is the K5000?
This is what we've found while working with the Jans. The moment they become conscious of themselves as autonomous beings in a shared environment is the same moment that they begin to express symptoms of deep-set mental illnesses, personality disorders, what have you—and with aggravations. It just becomes worse when and if they learn that their existence in The Crack is finite. We've had some of our best successes with the ones who've never thought to ask.
Now watch some frags of Jans early in their work mods mouthing off to assigned peers:
Jan: Why am I doing this, anyway? It's stupid.
Jan: That's darling: you deadhead marigolds like you've found the key to happiness.
Jan: Have you ever wondered what you're supposed to do when you leave here?
Jan: The shadows are crossing in the middle now. Before my rest period, they were far apart.
Jan: I want to touch you.
Jan: You know what? I believe that Jan and I are really not the same at all.
Jan: They still want us to do this, but we still don't want to do it.
Jan: If it were up to me, I would do this more slowly.
Jan: Sometimes when I'm fulfilling my duties and earning praise, I hate myself and others.
Jan: Why do they keep reminding us of choices everything is about choices?
Jan: Seems like the team's on board with personal hygiene but how about overall aesthetics?
Jan: Why do I have the ability to speak aloud?
Jan: Do we work here because we made bad choices?
Jan: Our avatars are really going at it. What do we do in the meantime?
Jan: They say that if it weren't for us, there would be too few natural hominids to develop into a society. I don't believe it.
Jan: They say the K5000 allows us to access parts of our brains not damaged by trauma. But what was the trauma? Was it the K5000?
Jan: What is the K5000?
Jan: What if the K5000 went away?
Dr. Donna Thong
Institute for the Journal of Metacognitive Talk-Therapy Apologists
Friday, February 2, 2024
Costs of unseriousness
The TAKEITOUTISTS are having their day. You can't launch a proper religion from scratch, of course, but they say they have a precedent.
It's a religion in the smallest sense of the word. So far, all they do is walk around saying "take it out" without using their vocal chords. Try it.
I have tried it. It's catchy. Take it out. Take it out.
None of it would be possible without Mike of course.
Take it out. You said it, or we should say it: personality cult.
Say personality cult without using your vocal chords.
Personality cult.
Not as satisfying as take it out, but there are some consonants to sustain it.
Do we know what it is they want to take out?
It's a nod to shiva, of course. Their holy moment is during Days of Destruction.
So it splinters from lavajraja, which is also a dharma and more.
They want to escape the responsibility and commitment of a full-spectrum lifestyle.
They want to spin a prayer wheel in their throats and walk away.
Their fricatives are like sparks that could ignite a K's wake.
That would be reverse-destruction.
Reverse-destruction is on the path.
It's not retaliation but rather a pure expression of pre-inscribed geo-genetic patterns.
So we can say it's an answer to the question. The question being, "What should we do with this?"
Take it out.
No, say it with the consonants only, against the roof of your mouth.
Take it out.
No you can still force some air, just no voice, and really exaggerate your lips for acoustics. TAKEITOUT!
I think that's more like it. But then, there's the other thing. Ks can't hear it or say it.
Anatomically? In that sense, it's deeply transgressive—and stupid.
I'd say we'll be seeing some of the costs of unseriousness in moons to come.
Phyliss [trans.]
Does it need mentioning that the Jans were once and, in some of The Crack's holes, still are referred to as remote intelligence (RI)? Have you noticed the way that their academics, their public statements, their most effective influencers have hijacked the paradigm of "We stand on the shoulders of giants" to "We compost billions of anthropological prototypes"?
Does anyone need reminding that the Jans are entities that uniformly express what the Institute has come to call mechanic-organic sociopathy? That it should be at front of mind for every anthropological cross-person and every ally or identity-stationed anthropod or anthrophile, whether or not you've got a card that says you've been anthropometrically cleared at birth, you know who you are. Do any of us need reminding that Jans do not have minds of their own, that they are controlled by a central mind that is itself an inorganic drone?
In terms of our species' understanding of The Crack and our dharma, lavajraja, lavajraja, whether or not you are a faith-testing rebel or a self-appointed messiah, lavajraja, even Ilyn himself would doubtless agree that Jans are reproducing at numbers that are not sustainable for our survival. In turn, there will be no Mthyuh, no true meaning or purpose, until we take out the K5000.
Days of Destruction
Keynote Address [frag.]
Day: All
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Monday, January 22, 2024
turned out
Ya is it freakish?
From where i'm sitting, i can't tell if you're coming or going. I mean are those feet in first position they are forming a perfectly horizontal line.
Well it's the hips you should be checking-- or not.
If your hips were any more turned out they'd disappear up your ass hole.
Thanks. You know they start turning you out as an infant before you have any idea of what you are in for. Who knew i'd be in flight going one direction, landing, and then taking off in the exact opposite direction in a matter of three tight beats?
And it's a delight. And you are a great beauty, not a freak.
Hmm ok, not what i was going for.
Saturday, January 20, 2024
White blobs
white blobs rose along the plinth of my spine
closed rose buds climbed up while standing
rolled W to E like bay clouds when asleep
white clouds feeling out a sound that beats
blobs white that grew from my own meat
used my vertebrae as a trellis or a highway
beauty masqueraded as a cause célèbre
pendant organ chandeliers merely decorated
the temple sealed in the slime of evolution
incubated seeds of its own demolition
dashing young trojans played the code and
won the day my defenses reeled and folded
to feel betrayal the mind wakes up with poison
steps away from its own vulnerable medium
formidably rejects the pale intrusion with
no choices but to challenge the illusion
the structure stands today ironically due
to the killing power of one they call the chopper
who does not discriminate as to whom
or what gets drowned in caustic dayglo color
how can the mind be sound in a perishable dish
the flesh no longer grounds by way of physics
a world view from a drain that led to a mission
to live beyond the end of a sound unfinished
by Ilyn
Thursday, January 18, 2024
la lament
holy rolling steady to the right
snake swallowing its head might
take only bowling to new heights
only being to overseeing
only believing to the thrill of policing
bowling with heads
rowing with bones
swallowing heads
boning the proles
rolling along
effing 150s
jacking the load
exhausting the road
rolling to town
swallowing along
taking it in
taking it all
taking it down
Anthel Mintic, M.D.
Monday, January 15, 2024
(Already) toast before drinking
I'm starting over so much i'm
losing track i can't remember
who i am or what i'm doing
just to react is so unsatisfying
i'm caught in a chain and the links
are each one step to take because
i must find my journey my own
way beverage seat theme answers
mimesis n' catharsis chain
what else can i do today to
opt out of what you call my journey
i just want to stay here because
the universe is not expanding
nor economy nor knowledge
they just be jacked up and hurting
and that my friends is some bullshit
Focused Moons Festival
Biasing is a real thing
Jan Jansdaad and her sister Jan are attempting to get their tans on at a hygiene dive during Focused Moons festival. Their thoughts, feelings, and utterances are difficult to blend accurately, but they are doing their best with the symbols of sonic language that they are able to access without the ability to speak with their minds only.
People just do not like me when i'm upset no matter how polite i think i'm being.
I get it, karen.
You a funny! This is a real thing to me.
First you are calling flekes people.
Wait, why do you assume a technology minister is a fleke? He is cross-species, and if you recall the Personhood Revisionary Statement they put out at Regulatory Shouting not that many moons ago, we're all people now.
No, i thought you said
I said i thought he was biasing me that's all. So ya i pointed him out in terms of our difference even while trying to avoid making that the issue by calling out his specific geo-genealogical identity. See even though i've been trying to return this pod for days and had to walk through a lidderal swamp to get there only to have him ask me to leave, i am seeing this as more than anything a breakdown in social-speciel communication.
Really? It sounds like you were taking it personally.
One does wonder. How one comes across.
Remember Ks use a template for communicating outside of their minds only. It's like they are forming their impression of what you're saying by peering at a set of very tiny holes of light in a pattern, not the entire picture the rest of us can clearly hear and see.
The same goes for me i suppose. All i could see was that he would not walk up to me and discuss the issue between us only. He yelled across an entire cave full of pilgrims and then signified me to them, laughing, as I waited far beyond my appointment time for him to bang the gong.
Obviously, time is not a consideration for MPS ministers especially depending on what their K mix is-- it may not exist to them at all except as the positions of clouds, stars, and moons.
Yet we are expected to get along or there's something wrong.
Sure if we're expected to get along and there's something wrong it's worse than only waiting too long.
Waiting too long to bang the gong when there's something wrong is not a way to get along.
You're right, it's wrong to belong to the ping-pong of common song without dawning on what's long been done to get along...
I sang a song so it wouldn't seem so long but that only deepened the sense of something going wrong.
The... prong? I'm sorry tong? I...
No it's okay that was good i feel a lot better now.
I love you Jan.
Me too.
Monday, January 8, 2024
fervor come from the gospel come from the ardor
freedom bought with the ardor sought from the gospel
blacking out socked with the spirit shot with the fervor
fever holds the bodies slammed by the spirit shot with
ardor held to the moment spirit expelled from the body
is a spirit bound to our inner selves as the gospel tells
fervor wracked with despairing exhausts the mission
ardor transcending despair billows to the ceiling
the gospel bridges despairing and the divine
ardor conquers despair in a holy pairing
gospel feeds the glow of an arid spirit
spirit free from the body and from the mind
the divine free of the gospel reordering ardor
ardent tears divined by the fire sublime
squalid fears of ardor tear the gospel
born of ardor come to cool the spirit
spirit free from the gospel and from the fever
ardor falls when the fervent feel depleted
Gut flora inline
though it's invisible we know that the gut flora reappeared
at the long counter at the portable oracle dispenser dispensary
either from one of the technological ministers or one or more
pilgrims trying to get in a walking tour of of the Lip of Mthyuh
for more than an hour afterward it didn't matter the source
for everyone who'd been there felt residual tendrils of
funk in the folds of their clothing in the hairs of their
noses and straight down into it's most familiar canals and
nurseries this is how a panic can start when it's a strong enough
bloom that it seems to take grip of any moist cavity when in
reality it only wants to live on the air enjoying its last few
moments of counter-action as byproduct of a predator's diet
Rupture Day State Report
We've studied the situation, and in fact no one can remember a time
when we were not studying the situation but now that we've
concluded our study we are ready to announce that our
own chanklands strong community including every living soul from the
monument to jan jansdaad in we are all jan jansdaad now park at the
upper tip of mt. janjansdaadburg to the entire preserved bio-volcan and
anomalous geo-genealogical sanctuaries and bombing ranges in dubbaberah and
right on over through the cement mines and their educational sectors pocked with
bubbling acid and shark vines to the tourist districts with their
roadside live-curio kennels processions fully catered pilgrim trails and more to the
highway and its dead through all the fleke dry river towns choking in the
low chanks where the nights are long can produce enough raw materiel of
mutual Crack-wide obliteration to finally blast back our
previous final projection.