A couple of Jans are standing in a Jan kitchen eating Jan slop from a pot on the hearth. They use spoons because their fingers are sensitive to heat. They are set to automatically practice and update their anthropomorphic communication style while feeding. They speak with their mouths only.
The TAKEITOUTISTS are having their day. You can't launch a proper religion from scratch, of course, but they say they have a precedent.
It's a religion in the smallest sense of the word. So far, all they do is walk around saying "take it out" without using their vocal chords. Try it.
I have tried it. It's catchy. Take it out. Take it out.
None of it would be possible without Mike of course.
Take it out. You said it, or we should say it: personality cult.
Say personality cult without using your vocal chords.
Personality cult.
Not as satisfying as take it out, but there are some consonants to sustain it.
Do we know what it is they want to take out?
It's a nod to shiva, of course. Their holy moment is during Days of Destruction.
So it splinters from lavajraja, which is also a dharma and more.
They want to escape the responsibility and commitment of a full-spectrum lifestyle.
They want to spin a prayer wheel in their throats and walk away.
Their fricatives are like sparks that could ignite a K's wake.
That would be reverse-destruction.
Reverse-destruction is on the path.
It's not retaliation but rather a pure expression of pre-inscribed geo-genetic patterns.
So we can say it's an answer to the question. The question being, "What should we do with this?"
Take it out.
No, say it with the consonants only, against the roof of your mouth.
Take it out.
No you can still force some air, just no voice, and really exaggerate your lips for acoustics. TAKEITOUT!
I think that's more like it. But then, there's the other thing. Ks can't hear it or say it.
Anatomically? In that sense, it's deeply transgressive—and stupid.
I'd say we'll be seeing some of the costs of unseriousness in moons to come.
Phyliss [trans.]