Saturday, February 17, 2018
RE-CAP: intraceptive missionaryism
We noticed as we swung by to check for blood on your door
that there was none. and now, in the light of our torches,
you seem quite agitated, maybe insane. we are afraid for y-
our soul. we are afraid of what our God might do to you if
we decide it is appropriate. He may cause us to harm you
badly, and your family, and your future generations. we are
here to perform an intravention to protect you from any
further danger. Do you have a knife, or have you lost it?
Where are your lambs-- or have you failed to fulfill even
that most basic of norms? You are harming everyone by your
non-conformism. You are attacking our way of life, and we
are tired of being victimized by your mocking, obscene exi-
-stence which is only meant to cleverly highlight the futi-
lity of our Reproductive Circle.
We noticed as we scanned your home that you have taken the
dangerous step of disconnecting from your county's Filter
of Loathing. This will mean that the intended effects of
the drugs we have proscribed for you which were meant to
counteract the sickening effects of the pulses will spiral
out of control with nothing for them to heal. In addition,
the local Pharmsupply has informed us that you have not e-
ven picked up your proscriptions for several months. We h-
ope that you have not engaged in this type of antisocial
behavior as the result of financial difficulty. We care a-
bout the wellbeing of all members of our community, so we
are generous to remind you that discontinuance of a manda-
ted service or medication does not constitute release from
responsiblity for payment.
[Text of two ancient tickets found in Peg's glovebox, clipped to the back of an expired W.A.S.T.E.]
Personal Growth Now At Capacity
There are dead smells coming up through
the floors and a stirring in the bong water
but my golden center rocks imperceptibly
on its axis, still, no matter how the planet
shakes, an invisible thread pointed straig-
ht at heaven allowing me to bend only in
orchestration with the divine & timeless.
The growing of a self as nirvanic system
has been a fraught journey of learning 'n
veracity, but now at the edge of space as
I know it, growth has met its full capacity.
by Donna
the floors and a stirring in the bong water
but my golden center rocks imperceptibly
on its axis, still, no matter how the planet
shakes, an invisible thread pointed straig-
ht at heaven allowing me to bend only in
orchestration with the divine & timeless.
The growing of a self as nirvanic system
has been a fraught journey of learning 'n
veracity, but now at the edge of space as
I know it, growth has met its full capacity.
by Donna
dr. donna thong,
nirvanic system,
Friday, February 16, 2018
Ted's nervous system in a winged reptile
He redirected his hyper-vigilance by watching for numbers
He could spot a 1:11, 2:22, 4:44, 5:55 more than one a day
3:33 seemed to be the rarest though he was always up then
An alternating 12:12 or what have you was less auspicious
It only counted if it was a truly random glance of not many
This startlement helped him weep with wonder and remark
by Ilyn
"By Shab's pouch."
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Monday, February 12, 2018
RE-CAP: You Better PharmSupply
If you can't take the shiv, then you can't
take the shiv, but if you take the shiv,
then you can take the shiv and live, Hank.
Firstable Co. Initial Campaign
Seersucker Chank
RE-CAP: When corpus is absent
Q: Is the changing of hats legal as evasion?
A: Emotional cosmetics is
what you would call
keeping a good
variety of
feelings in your daily bag.
If the charging party
cannot prove
which one you were wearing
and when, vindicate you.
For an insuring corpus
would be absent,
and when corpus is absent,
no fault is found, stud.
A: Emotional cosmetics is
what you would call
keeping a good
variety of
feelings in your daily bag.
If the charging party
cannot prove
which one you were wearing
and when, vindicate you.
For an insuring corpus
would be absent,
and when corpus is absent,
no fault is found, stud.
RE-CAP: You, Woma
peggy i always new you were mai fren
because you left your kids, two of them
to seek after spiritual enlightenment, you
know? fuck them! because you knew that
their pain
would carry them back. their pain would
carry them, carry them into yor arms again.
faiwere on my det bed
i dlet you guide me
I do anything you say
you, woma, are from a-
nother wurl, and i cannot
fine you less i take yr wor
you can santify me woma
only you can see me thrua
horra show, when ahm touch-an-go
Peggy (Pegyuh)
RE-CAP: Care-laden bells
There are those that will their steps on your dreams;
a single drop swells the chalice, and you wake moaning.
Call into the fray with care-laden bells clinking,
buoy rocking, buoy clanging; sun is winking.
RE-CAP: It's not sustainable girl
fourteen months oughta be a monument to something baby
you cant juss say you gonna go and quit on me now womachal
y'got two kids and it seems like yor gonna hava nervous breakdown
corporations callin ona telephone tryna makeyuh pay yo dues nau
cantcha stick witme tellwe figure ifwe gonna go brakeda banko fo-cloes
and growing old
withoutchu woma i cd layme downan close my eyes dontchu see-e?
youma co-D penna docta-lady fo-ah cobra vak-scene.
you cant juss say you gonna go and quit on me now womachal
y'got two kids and it seems like yor gonna hava nervous breakdown
corporations callin ona telephone tryna makeyuh pay yo dues nau
cantcha stick witme tellwe figure ifwe gonna go brakeda banko fo-cloes
and growing old
withoutchu woma i cd layme downan close my eyes dontchu see-e?
youma co-D penna docta-lady fo-ah cobra vak-scene.
dr. donna thong,
RE-CAP: Sinewy bitch prad chal
Folks that surround Chamatilly, they all seem to know what she don't
know. She a toe-cher awda tam. She's thinking it all part of the
ceremonies and whatnot. It ain't. They just a laikit, laikit alot.
Tor-cher Chamatilly. Thats why she so lucki. Being a shivstar, we
wershup you chama, you biggie awda tam. Chamatilly aways in pain because
she so ignorant. The Muthya Preservation Society even know boudit. The
Community College of Cement know. The chilluns an the bitches know. It's
a secret a bit from the Chama, but not so much. She so scared cuz she
never thot she deserve a be a deity or a slave to da shiv, on the spot
to milk the Mthyuh at the momen notice. She half 2B prepare, ahways. So
she ahways givin up da ego to da shiv and thats so paynfl cuz she nothin
much modan ego and sinewy bitch prad chal. She so fight it so she cn
geddit, fighdit, geddit, etc.
RE-CAP: Woma chal
Grrl I feel it's time
to moov that biggi
thang on uppy. Jus
moovit grrl. Moovit.
Moov that biggy grl
that thang on uppy.
Time to move along
no story here to tell
woman. Jus yo biggi
on da mappi blockin
awda traffik grrl yah.
You got to move grl
go on moov dat napi
Grrl I feel it is time
to moov that nappi
thang on uppy. Jus
moovit grrl. Moovit.
Moov it on uppy grl,
dat thang is napinah
woma chal..............
to moov that biggi
thang on uppy. Jus
moovit grrl. Moovit.
Moov that biggy grl
that thang on uppy.
Time to move along
no story here to tell
woman. Jus yo biggi
on da mappi blockin
awda traffik grrl yah.
You got to move grl
go on moov dat napi
Grrl I feel it is time
to moov that nappi
thang on uppy. Jus
moovit grrl. Moovit.
Moov it on uppy grl,
dat thang is napinah
woma chal..............
Sunday, February 11, 2018
RE-CAP: i donno whus tsay
choose any day and you could
say that yor whole lives ruined
duznt maddr how good or bad
it's been its gone its done fin-
ished its natural day to day. so
live today, bitch, like u bin sni-
fin glue for a few months and
you just stopped into pay yr
gas n lectric at the Easy-Way
soda infa-stretcher can livonne
say that yor whole lives ruined
duznt maddr how good or bad
it's been its gone its done fin-
ished its natural day to day. so
live today, bitch, like u bin sni-
fin glue for a few months and
you just stopped into pay yr
gas n lectric at the Easy-Way
soda infa-stretcher can livonne
RE-CAP: That's Cashed
One feeding cycle to the next, doesn't the species try to breed against
you? How can its archetypal memory not spell out, "We are meat," and
that there is horror in swine, goat or cow? One could develop a bad
taste, or wings, or rather, one did. It tilts before you, leans on a
fingery rat-color feather, beaten as straw, as a cane. Your neck must
crane to let its eyes' receeded glow cast their moon tricks across your
face. That bedevilment, tragic waste, towering mhegamolith? In flocks,
they wr once proud. It is time to cash, to nobilize, to seal with plates
and electrodes. By the time
they get to this state, one cd knock them over with a bulldozer.
"Ks fly spread eagle."
they get to this state, one cd knock them over with a bulldozer.
"Ks fly spread eagle."
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
RE-CAP: It Lived
Even the Chukka Chanks Chain rejected
me. They said "yor not Chukka, yor a ba
-stard; you have minerals on your moth-
er's side sure, but that many times rem-
oved? We were going to invite you to C-
hukka Nite. Don't think yor offending u-
s with the Chuk lights in the front wind-
ow. We love our symbol and wish you p-
eace. But saltiness doesn't a stone make.
Fresh goes as earth does and we make i
-t grow. Stone love is stone is and love i-
s stone, Joe. Stone is love, stone is stone
is." They sang this clacking and chipping
at each other. Up Mthyuh way there was
a slab of granite near where I'd pee on c
-amping trips. I thought it literally recoi-
led at splashing urine. Once it seemed to
moisten itself on some moss. I was hon-
ored it would be so real like that in front
of me. It was a granite slab animated, b-
ut not a cartoon. That was before the shi
-v when hallucinations were rare and or
-ganic. What I encountered was rare an-
d inorganic yet able to shapeshift expres
-sively. I won't say poignantly, but it lived.
me. They said "yor not Chukka, yor a ba
-stard; you have minerals on your moth-
er's side sure, but that many times rem-
oved? We were going to invite you to C-
hukka Nite. Don't think yor offending u-
s with the Chuk lights in the front wind-
ow. We love our symbol and wish you p-
eace. But saltiness doesn't a stone make.
Fresh goes as earth does and we make i
-t grow. Stone love is stone is and love i-
s stone, Joe. Stone is love, stone is stone
is." They sang this clacking and chipping
at each other. Up Mthyuh way there was
a slab of granite near where I'd pee on c
-amping trips. I thought it literally recoi-
led at splashing urine. Once it seemed to
moisten itself on some moss. I was hon-
ored it would be so real like that in front
of me. It was a granite slab animated, b-
ut not a cartoon. That was before the shi
-v when hallucinations were rare and or
-ganic. What I encountered was rare an-
d inorganic yet able to shapeshift expres
-sively. I won't say poignantly, but it lived.
Monday, February 5, 2018
Abstract: Annual Symposium of the Metacognitive Talk Therapy Apologists Association
Diseases of Denial and Recognition
Hypochondria is not a disease that tells you that you don't have it; it's a disease that tells you that you do have it, so if you're a hypochondriac and you think you have another disease that does tell you that you don't have it, does that mean you do have it or does it mean you don't have it, and how would you know in the first place whether you were really a hypochondriac because a real hypochondriac would always say yes, of course, I have that too, so you can't take their word for it; but can I take your word for it if you say no, I'm not a hypochondriac, even though to me you might seem like one? How is it possible for a true hypochondriac to even contract a disease of denial much less deny it in a chronic fashion? Would the hypochondriac not nurse a gnawing suspicion that yes, maybe I am a hypochondriac, and experience a not-unpleasant thrill of horror at the thought? Then how is the true deny-or of a disease of denial to truly measure their pathological burden if they are self-diagnosed with a disease of pathological recognition, an obsessive-compulsive hyper-vigilance, an error in the ranking and evaluation of signs and symbols? Are the paradoxes not tied in a knot when the sufferer is convinced that no recovery is possible without self-diagnosis and the power of honesty, reflection, and faith?
Dr. Donna Thong
Surgery Generalist
(Relicensure Imminent)
"Check out my back patio!"
Hypochondria is not a disease that tells you that you don't have it; it's a disease that tells you that you do have it, so if you're a hypochondriac and you think you have another disease that does tell you that you don't have it, does that mean you do have it or does it mean you don't have it, and how would you know in the first place whether you were really a hypochondriac because a real hypochondriac would always say yes, of course, I have that too, so you can't take their word for it; but can I take your word for it if you say no, I'm not a hypochondriac, even though to me you might seem like one? How is it possible for a true hypochondriac to even contract a disease of denial much less deny it in a chronic fashion? Would the hypochondriac not nurse a gnawing suspicion that yes, maybe I am a hypochondriac, and experience a not-unpleasant thrill of horror at the thought? Then how is the true deny-or of a disease of denial to truly measure their pathological burden if they are self-diagnosed with a disease of pathological recognition, an obsessive-compulsive hyper-vigilance, an error in the ranking and evaluation of signs and symbols? Are the paradoxes not tied in a knot when the sufferer is convinced that no recovery is possible without self-diagnosis and the power of honesty, reflection, and faith?
Dr. Donna Thong
Surgery Generalist
(Relicensure Imminent)
"Check out my back patio!"
dr. donna thong
Sunday, February 4, 2018
RECAP: Trukk Stoppe Ho
Truck-stop Ho:
Truck-stop Ho:
Truck-stop Ho:
Yor aways mad when I leave you or upset when I didn't need you
Little Rembrandt of a paisley weasel, you are a slime right where a
man seeks some lube, chall. When I rent you, I feel all I get is a m-
-all! o' wheezing crine, Tiny. Anchored in whatch-u-whan! (a meal).
Truck stop ho. Truck stop ho. Truck stop ho.
If we can both just agree that you with me, lady, Mother of Evening,
you can leave aside your pleading, rise up and serve me, Muthuh W
-heel. You roll the dough, but someone rounded off the dice, Lucile;
Muthuh Wheel, give yor nights off such a feel, like the bride o' krais,
Muthuh Wheel, Truck-Stop Ho, Muthuh Wheel.
Here in this rain-po puddle, a man can meet a thousand jet-setting
sangle, from all seven corners o' the building; but then what is he h
-olding but his own butt in a butcher-shop case. When in Boulder, h-
ook up with the look-up king of older trade names: The Roller. He a
-ck laik he on TV bowling when he rilly in the gutter.
Trukk Stoppe Ho:
Trukk Stoppe Ho:
Trukk Stoppe Ho.
Petting zoo
CONNIE: Aren't flying reptiles and volcanoes and/or their unexpected ancestors genre if not hackneyed fiction?
REPTILY: No because this happened. It's retro-journalism, historical reenactment.
CONNIE: So nothing new.
REPTILY: The part that the K's never went extinct at all, that they'd been kept and mutilated and tortured surreptitiously for all these ions by secretive corporations and rich perverted human moral monsters-- that is pretty new or at least since it actually did happen then whoever might have made it up either did just that or based it on uncited reports of what we've got firsthand knowledge. Also the voluntary interbreeding-- through religious sanctions, the hideous scarring rituals-- that's not made it to the big screen, anyway has it? With reptiles? Maybe birds like Lydia + Swan but no. Mythology other category.
CONNIE: What else is new.
REPTILY: I don't know if any of this is new, bitch. Sorry about it. Just saying we've got a right to tell our story no matter if it suits you entertainment wise. This is not a lap dance, no it's all T baby. No shade.
CONNIE: Ok bitch you get to work, sell the product.
CONNIE: Bai now.
REPTILY: No because this happened. It's retro-journalism, historical reenactment.
CONNIE: So nothing new.
REPTILY: The part that the K's never went extinct at all, that they'd been kept and mutilated and tortured surreptitiously for all these ions by secretive corporations and rich perverted human moral monsters-- that is pretty new or at least since it actually did happen then whoever might have made it up either did just that or based it on uncited reports of what we've got firsthand knowledge. Also the voluntary interbreeding-- through religious sanctions, the hideous scarring rituals-- that's not made it to the big screen, anyway has it? With reptiles? Maybe birds like Lydia + Swan but no. Mythology other category.
CONNIE: What else is new.
REPTILY: I don't know if any of this is new, bitch. Sorry about it. Just saying we've got a right to tell our story no matter if it suits you entertainment wise. This is not a lap dance, no it's all T baby. No shade.
CONNIE: Ok bitch you get to work, sell the product.
CONNIE: Bai now.
Reptily/ Chamatilly,
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Tracking changes
huevos rancheros con cebolla tostada abajo |
The difference between sleeping and waking is less distinct.
As my eyes are opening or closing, I can't tell which is which.
The prescription you gave me seems to be always in the background;
I could be standing in the kitchen but like I'm lying on my side, and
A substantial sleep paralysis sets in, which I have to override.
by Peg
Thursday, January 25, 2018
End of brain-factory paradigm
my sociopathic stepfather explains,
by reference to his new genomic fun
kit, how mother and I, from less-hu-
man neanderthal stock, were built to
spot movements and patterns, but
not survive; that our brows are too
thick to reason normally, so he
by Jan
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