Diseases of Denial and Recognition
Hypochondria is not a disease that tells you that you don't have it; it's a disease that tells you that you do have it, so if you're a hypochondriac and you think you have another disease that does tell you that you don't have it, does that mean you do have it or does it mean you don't have it, and how would you know in the first place whether you were really a hypochondriac because a real hypochondriac would always say yes, of course, I have that too, so you can't take their word for it; but can I take your word for it if you say no, I'm not a hypochondriac, even though to me you might seem like one? How is it possible for a true hypochondriac to even contract a disease of denial much less deny it in a chronic fashion? Would the hypochondriac not nurse a gnawing suspicion that yes, maybe I am a hypochondriac, and experience a not-unpleasant thrill of horror at the thought? Then how is the true deny-or of a disease of denial to truly measure their pathological burden if they are self-diagnosed with a disease of pathological recognition, an obsessive-compulsive hyper-vigilance, an error in the ranking and evaluation of signs and symbols? Are the paradoxes not tied in a knot when the sufferer is convinced that no recovery is possible without self-diagnosis and the power of honesty, reflection, and faith?
Dr. Donna Thong
Surgery Generalist
(Relicensure Imminent)
"Check out my back patio!"
Flirting with the Apex
1 day ago
I would like to report that there are only two possible outcomes of a visit to this woman's (drag queen's?) "back patio" if your request is to be euthanized. And those are 1) she will convince you to get an expensive and unhygenic piercing instead, or 2) she will pump a lot of "execution drugs" into your vein and then try to have sex with you under the gurnee.
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