Monday, September 1, 2008

"I'm a Man and a Woman, Too": Pegyah Now

Read up on sexy Peggy Yuah: ageless New-Age eccentric say she don't have any gender identity to prove... or hide.

Q: Peg, may I...

A: Of course, Donna.

Q: Peg, you've been picked on and panned for your free-roaming gender-benders at the cost of our society. How do you respond?

A: I think that I've got even more man in me than most of my Knowers would reflexively attribute. Gender? I see me as a liberated man more than a hot, modern woman. At home with his masculinity: it's his skin and he's wearing it. Not pasting on cardboard eyelashes and playing Vegas. I'm me with a pussy, and I'm me with a dick. Just so happens I've got one... or the other. And I feel good about that.

Q: This has been Dr. Donna Thong and I think just about everyone's favorite ritual goddess, Peg. The Pegyah! Give it up.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Advice to a Stripper on his First Night, 8/20/08, San Fernando Valley

I hear you've been in training, it's your first night, congratulations.
And I hear what you're trainer is telling you, and I might just add
that: to let yourself move to the music, to let the music move you.
I mean I realize there's a certain set of motions you've got to set o-
ff to get your body moving and the right parts of it and that's okay
but sooner or later every dancer is going to develop his own perso-
nal sense of style. And the good thing is we like your bodies so it d-
oesn't matter at all. Do you love the Pegyuh? Ga-halala-la. Lalaha.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Do Not Forth Call Pegyuh

The darkest beacon is most powerful for it sucks. Dark beacon need not call; beacon, a dark one, just pool you in. Muhalala-beacon. Muhlala-lalahala-lala-lahalala-beacon.

Come, Flesh

Peggy had a lucid moment while crying and grabbed for the camera. She placed the orange-faced, puffy, actual tears falling pic on a swinging singles' site she'd been frequenting. There was no answer, no comment, but that seemed to be the best of outcomes. It was meant to be stunning, not icebreaking. She hoped it had killed everyone just for a sec. That would explain a lull, an angel passing over, but not this total banishment from the play sand. Then she guessed that whatever good the photo had done her fellow shivhole lurkers spiritually, the effect had priusnear reached its peak. And she needed now once again to attract flesh towards her.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

[please note]

Please Note:
Many of these entries should be encountered with the background of a thudding, bumping beat. Damn if you dint tip the muthuhfo-cow fitty dolla fo he letchew be da DJ!

Once in a Hole

Once in a hole the ancients used to pass drugs through to the next cavern, I heard the ritzy neighbor lady screaming, wife of a famous author, not really screaming but loudly, loudly speaking: "What a bunch of shit, honey. Well. That's... what a lot of shit, darling." I believe she was speaking to her daughter, who could not match her volume. It occurred to me how that kind of feedback could have been helpful to one in a place, at a time.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Dehumanization by Corporate Decree

The front-line shivic reps are often culled from the lower socio-economic levels. They are fine for convincing their own compatriots in their own jargon to submit to the policies and behavior of PharmSupply. Then it goes on to Supervisor I, who is often just a custie-serv who has been able to weather worshiper abuse for longer than any of her colleagues and can be counted upon for her pleasant and determined contempt for the caller crossed with a very effective vocal and rhetorical method of inflicting maximum pain while leaving no visible marks whatsoever.

The highest level reps are cool-- people you wouldn't mind hanging out with or at least wouldn't have a panic attack over if you were stuck with them in a buffet line at the stone of a mutual friend, for example. And you are more likely to be kind and considerate toward them because it is all the more likely that these persons actually are acquainted with someone that you know personally, or at the very least that they would most likely be worthy opponents were the dispute ever to reach the level of Blood Sacrament.

Today's Reps on Profile:

Marco 622703
I imagined a weekend trip with his hairy open shirt.

Janine 622998
She seemed to have had a couple of kids at home and everyone else was the enemy.

Kitty 621783
Once, she had broken men's wills and hearts.

Boots 622419
Could have had most of the necessary tools for bike repair in his basement. My best guess is white cotton briefs and tube socks.

Alan 621067
Should be running it, but can't stop flaming.

Tinky 622350
Intern of Custie-Shiv: Breath of strong wheaty-sulfur opening, rotted lawn clippings with dog crap notes. Nickname: "La Chi Chi"

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Void Has Ears and Eyes

"Mindfullness" (where did it come from?) is a powerful, maybe the most powerful tool.
But while not so, why not shout into a chasm (into which anyone could be listening but
more likely than not no one is, which is also reassuring). Life is bitter without consciou-
sness, chile.

Thanks to God There's Something Uncommissioned by My Dominion

Thank God There's Something Uncommissioned by My Dominion.
There are free lands to ore and sow, where I encourage you to go.
While not outcast, you see, your state is remote and unprotected.
I can then fairly and humbly reason that I too am beholden to Her.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Crap of Tom

I sort of already get it about kids.
It's a mystery solved for me.
They don't
fascinate me.
I'm looking
here his chin jutted back over his shoulder and his eyes looked behind him, but to a place that signified "ahead" or "beyond."
I'm looking thata way. Someone has to.
That's a load of crap, answered Sylvia.

Curly Shoes

Chamatilly's living room had a vaulted, no a cloistered ceiling, faux-Spanish Renaissance, with tiny, wanton, dizzying metallic tiles lining the walls up to the break-- its peak was not unlike an elaborate desert tent for some sheik.

She sat on a tooled leather pillow-mattress, hovering just centimeters above the rug.

"Kali goddess o' destruction really doesn't know what she's talking about. And did you hear her tell me to shut up? I don't have time for that."

Chamatilly's shoes were woven by imprisoned thieves so as to send money home to their families. They were what we might call "wicker" shoes that curl up priusnear comically at the toes.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Hoolie Discussion Board

Hoolie was standing under a spotlight because he had gradually drifted toward it subconsciously and then stopped under it because of the warm feeling on the top of his head. But then he was asking someone something and he realized instinctively that the hooded bone structure of his skull could cast a frightening shadow. The quickest save was to look directly upward suddenly and let the hot light bathe his entire face. Well that someone was me and I'm telling you that I could see the outline of his whole cranium where it shone in through the eyelids. And there was something else in there.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

ratty charm bracelet

tho the lunar light is at 2/3
looking in the water, it is
the clearest night: circles in
a pool become nervous lie
detector/ earthquake met-
er/ voice graph checkerbo-
ard, the bottom being solid
bright with these lines: for
today we dragged a hangar
loop across the top after a
wind and collected a hum-
mer nest of dog hair and
cobweb, a witchy pod with
triangular black seeds, wa-
sps and bees, human oils
and peel, the clear wrapp-
er off a tongue depressor,
and leaves, bracts of bou-
ganvilla rotted clear into
skeleton and transparency.

Mike's Swimming Blog, Day 66: I am Keeping this House Alive

try locking your ankles together in the deep end;
see what you naturally do to survive. dancing yor
way out of a situation can save your life if it is sw-
imming. notice also that as you merman yor way
to safety, you swim like a fish, but flap yor arms
like a bony bird-reptile. preservation society helic-
opters could mistake you for a flying reptilian bird
entering our space from a watery third dimension.

A Watched Bitch is Free

If you go out with them the dogs will romp and play-- there's plenty of space in the back yard.
If you are inside though inside they'll stay-- you'll be walking on them and them on each other.
If you come in and lock them out they'll just sit and stand around by the door and cry and fight.
If they stay inside too long by the same token they get restless and too rowdy with each other.
So to them freedom is two things: not any enclosed space and mostly free when you are there.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

crap of paper

entered voluntarily, but then they
tles all say Pharm-Supply. Whut??
f here! If the Legend of Pegyuh is
ed box shd do it.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Four HMen of W.D.

Pippi: noble, sensitive
La La: loud girl
M'Lady: soft as Charmin
Juniper: pill-like berries

Raspberry Gale

The Winds Tavern
18 Idylwilde Wy
Sawkitu, ME

a month, a year


I hope you'll understand that when I first saw your freckly face and that one eye that's half blue I just knew that I'd have to make you my boy in a bubble. We scooted you along thru the Underground Subway from safe house to safe house to safe house. You didn't get no other kinds a house.

Got it! Just snagged me one o' them funny purple birds-- comin right at me. Just 'cause I said Devil. You save my life, baby: every time I say your name.

Now, don't get me started!