Friday, April 9, 2021
Fresh box
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Within The Crack
Lloyd... It seems like the only time when you are not verbal is during sexual activity, in which case I wouldn't actually mind.
Mrs. Jansdaad farts.
When they wake up, they are going through The Crack.
When Jan's daughter Jan looks up, she can see Lloyd's foot only. But that foot, shod and pant cuffed, is all that she can see anywhere besides herself.
Both Lloyd and Jan feel the peristaltic waves, inside themselves and all around them; they can watch the undulations against their clothing and feel it on their faces and the backs of their legs.
Jan hears a voice.
Oh really? Well you didn't even go to high school-- it was more like low school.
Oh my god Jan can you hear me
Yes. Very funny.
I think we're going through The Crack now.
Uh-huh, baby. You're the brilliant one.
The Crack is home to a billion holes
They say The Crack is home to a billion holes. Pilgrims, daredevils, and lost hikers alike will never be able to predict when and where they will come out.
The Community College of Cement's entire Chang K. Chang Chank campus is dark except for a few pools of security lighting-- and the strong yellow bug lamp which illuminates the Crack Door Event area. Jan's mom Jan Jansdaad's steaming underwing fat flap is all that's keeping Jan and Lloyd from falling hundreds of feet into the parking lot below.
Jan lands as close as she can to the bug light, which is there for the air conditioning unit attached to the bookstore next to temporary mobile classrooms B-D. Most campus employees, students and visitors walk around the air conditioning unit instead of trying to duck under it, which could cause them to end up in sudden Crack-related peristaltic shock (SCRPS), and besides now being invisible, their associates quickly begin to forget they ever existed. In this respect, SCRPS can affect an entire community from one instance only.
Lloyd is trying to keep up with Jan and her mom. As the odd group rushes across the moonlit baseball fields, plumes of white chalk dust spray from below Mrs. Jansdaad's three-clawed feet. And then they have crossed a short span of black top, and then they have reached The Crack.
They might sound a little like disco when they're running, but when they stop there's nothing but funk, says Lloyd.
Sunday, April 4, 2021
Downward motility
Dire Cricket
Lloyd has been awake for a just few moments without moving from the tangle of sleeping bags a Scouts of Mthyuh brigade had donated to the clothing drive bin that the beast had lifted from its cement moorings and dumped here in its cliff nest.
He fears that if he moves he will lose the beautiful light scent of jasmine? Monster poinsettia? It's very early in spring yet, and how would flowers grow this high up against a rock? He even imagines he can follow light, pensive plucking on a mandolin.
Then young Jan, sweet Jan, is walking toward him in gentle rays of light, with the massive and hideous silhouette of her mother resting behind her against the moon and clouds. The beast's subsiding breaths after flight create the lilting music as her lungs contract with a melodic metal popping perhaps more similar to a steel guitar.
In this new place, with his confidence dashed for once, Lloyd sees Jan's daughter Jan anew. He is prostrate and broken; she represents a future, a woman who can change his life for once, powerful in a sleeveless chintz chrysanthemum-print frock, even while barefoot and picking her way toward him through the soft debris.
He waits until she has climbed up beside him in the heap of torn, shiny viscose lining, fluffy polyfill and plastic zippers, her red-dark face only inches from his own.
Shush. [She places a finger across his lips.] Just listen. And breathe.
He draws in another chestful of her cologne, which is Dire Cricket, by Pharmsupply.
I'm here to take you away. It's... you know that's my mother, right?
Lloyd nods, slack-mouthed.
Well she never wanted to hurt you. Only that you'd understand. To stop being such a shit.
Lloyd stares up into Jan's shadowed eyes, at the impossible sparkling there.
She wants... and it's not really up for discussion, you know? She wants to take us through The Crack.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
As the sun begins to lower behind the peak of Chang K. Chang Chank, Jan senses an awakening in the Injured Entity bay next door. They are separated on that side by several feet of ancient volcanic rock, through which a ceremonial glory hole had been drilled and through which they now whisper with the backs of their tongues, as only female K's can do.
If we speak with our minds they can track it.
I know.
Are you ok?
I will be. Flekke attack. Asshole.
You are an inspiration not to kill.
What do you mean.
I mean you could have killed the flekke.
Well he may become my son-in-law, so...
Ah right. I have kids too.
Wait are you
Yes, tiny baby. I am that old. You can call me
Peg. You are litterly painted in shiv temples. They sing a song about you. She
Had three kids when she went with the winds. I know.
I don't know what to say.
We live forever I guess.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
How are you sleeping?
Thursday, March 25, 2021
The argument for bioaerosol surveillance
K farts are so voluminous and dense that they can leave streaks in the sky that are barely distinguishable from wispy purplish clouds in a sunset. They are potent enough and in a way that can make mammals lose consciousness momentarily or even slip into a light coma.
It is through the implementation of one such bioaerosol release that Jan is able to resecure her cliff nest by disabling Lloyd Bentbridge long enough to confiscate his weaponry, hurl it into the void, and get him locked into a leafy, teepee-like structure before he wakes.
As she folds her wings across her feet to rest, Jan feels as though she is being watched. It's not long before Lloyd's mother, Lady Brentridge, appears with a fizzling shower of sparks and stands before a gaping, fogged-up hole in the cliff face.
Their speech is echoey and through the mind only.
Lady Brentridge: He's my son. How dare you?
Jan: He was trying to own my family.
Lady Brentridge [after a pause]: He was always trouble. Thank you for not eating him.
Jan: Now you're making me sick.
Lady Brentridge: You're sick? Twenty-one years. Think of that!
Jan: I swallow rocks to help me digest meat.
Lady Brentridge: Let's focus. What is it that you want?
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
drip trail down to the river
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Lloyd and lady
Feeling tired, Lloyd lays his head down in a gaggle of bras and closes his eyes.
Lloyd: Now I could be anywhere, in bed. I wish I could wake up. I can't look anymore. God it's a gorgeous view, but far too terrifying. Some perspectives are meant to be set aside only for those who choose them. I could understand if I were a mouse, but come on it's a different level of consciousness.
Lloyd's mother, Lady Brentridge de Modena Chank, appears in an impressive burst of optics.
Lady Brentridge: Son why did you take my name.
Lloyd: Because you have a title, and dad was a... where are you?
Lady Brentridge: I've been waiting all this time for you to reach a certain altitude else I cannot get through the Filter of Loathing.
Lloyd: So the dead can... Mother?
Lady Brentridge: Yes, love.
Lloyd: Can you save me?
Lady Brentridge: No, darling.
Lloyd: I
Lady Brentridge: Don't speak. You've got to act fast. As soon as you wake up from this nap, fashion a weapon from the wood in the nest. Look for maybe some scrap metal for a blade. You'll have the element of surprise when she gets back. Good luck, my little lord.
Oh, and uh, by the way I just wanted you to know that while my intention always was to guide and protect, and to do that with my heart full of love, at the same time, however, I was paying so much attention to my role that, well, I recognize that during some moments I neglected to respond to the nitty-gritty contents of your life in a lucid or humane manner.
Now when you're ready, go for the eyes first.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Police Station
A gothic doorway beneath crossed brass spears. The keystone is chiseled with a curving notice: POLICE STATION.
Jan had left the top to her sweater set on the back of her office chair, so she now has a mylar blanket as a shawl. Jan's dad is trying his best to get his voice heard through the ancient glory hole in the stone door of the precinct.
Mr. Jansdaad: We'd like to report an abduction!
Suddenly, a speaker crackles to life. You don't have to yell, sir we are fully miked now. From what you say, this sounds like a K event, and I'm sure you know we can't and don't investigate or prosecute K events. But we'll send out a hooptie. Mr. Brentridge's estate will be reimbursed for any damage to the cave structure if indeed a K event is confirmed.
Both Jan and her dad sigh deeply and walk quickly in each other's arms across the stone pavement and out of the armored courtyard, back to the bustling lunchtime street. They turn and stand back together against a wall.
Jan: I don't think she'd kill him.
Jan's dad: I hope not, sweetheart. But that's her choice now, isn't it?
All up in the nest
Lloyd is violently shaken awake in time to see the cause of the shaking: the taloned feet, the size of small automobiles, having pushed free from the nest, pointing backward and curling majestically. The feet have all but disappeared into the distant hazy clouds above the cliff when a tiny K shape comes into focus, soaring purposefully through the mists.
Lloyd: God, no.
Mrs. Jansdaad has done a brilliant job with her first construction. She has carefully chose the trunks and major branches of young smooth-barked laurel trees, still pale yellow and gummy to the core. There must have been an entire grove of them nearby to create a structure with roughly the same footage, yet more depth, than a large built-in backyard pool. As for the downy padding, she has obviously raided a child's party and emptied the colorful contents of a plastic ball pit into the bottom layer. On top of that were perhaps the contents of several Mthyuh Preservation Society clothing drive dumpsters. Then packing peanuts, shredded bamboo fencing.
Monday, March 15, 2021
Law Offices
Door trimmed with a rose trellis. Brass plaque on door: LAW OFFICES
Lloyd Brentridge, Esquire, was always dressed in at least one part of a suit and often had the shirt open to a dark, furry chaos.
Lloyd doesn't actually work for Pharmsupply, and Mr. Jansdaad has already gathered that it is all bullshit when he nevertheless shows up at Law Offices as promised, trembling.
Mr. Jansdaad: Jan!
Jan Jansdaad: Daddy!
After a silent moment, Jan explains that she's working for Lloyd now as the receptionist. Also a fact that her dad has already gathered. It is the way she said it that is chilling and familiar. As if under a spell, and not in a good way.
Jan: He will see you now.
Jan's Dad: Thank you honey.
Open the deeper, inner door. Where Lord and Lloyd will either blend or clash.
Lloyd: Shut the door behind you.
Jan: I've brought in the records you requested.
Lloyd: You see your daughter is now under my auspices.
Jan: Yes.
Lloyd: You probably know I'm not Pharmsupply, that it's all bullshit.
Jan: Yes.
Lloyd: Yet you came anyway. You haven't even taken a seat because I haven't offered you one.
Jan: I
Lloyd: Don't speak. Your wife is turning into a K, isn't she? You don't have to say a word. She missed the second shingles vaccine and she seroconverted. She has to have had a disposition, and I think you know some history on that. Mrs. Jan Jansdaad is not just any old Jan Jansdaad. She had a history before she met you and she has one now. And that history has been as repressed as it is mysteriously irrepressible, like ecriture feminine. A code only a genetic member could translate or inscribe.
Lloyd starts abruptly, as if he has just heard a hilarious noise behind him.
Lloyd: What is that. What is that Jan. Do you
Jan: It's disco.
Lloyd: Don't you think I know what it is? Why? Why, Jan?
The thumping and whirring become louder: Mrs. Jansdaad's now gigantic foot pads and breath become louder: the dreaded disco-like sound of a K on the ground.
The glass in the window crashes impressively, but all Mrs. Jansdaad can fit through it is the very tips of her beak bones, which she can barely get open wide enough. But she is hungry.
Because Lloyd Brentridge has his fingers in his ears, Jan's tongue is able to restrain his arms and squeeze around his neck at the same time.
Mr. Jansdaad [arms outstretched]: Oh, Lord!
Jan and her dad Jan Jansdaad then stand very still as they watch their mother and wife suck Lloyd, their sadistic lover and bully crush, by the neck through the window and then high up into the air in a single, otherworldly burst of power. Father and daughter alone began to look around them there in the breezy office, medical records still floating leaf like to the floor.
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Back at Jan's
Jan: You didn't even ask if you could come in.
Lloyd: We just ate with your parents. I don't have to ask you anymore.
Jan [letting go of his tie]: Lloyd you know I feel very strongly for you but sometimes you scare me a little.
Lloyd is feeling tired and sits on the sofa. Jan comes back with two beers and joins him.
Jan: I think it hits me in a primeval place when you try and order me around or raise your voice to my dad, but it might be just genes or hormones and not good decisionmaking.
Lloyd [to the ceiling, as he rests his neck]: What if you didn't have to make any decisions.
Jan [in a fetal position next to him without touching]: I don't think I would like it at all. [She scoots over and rests her head in Lloyd Brentridge's lap.] But then, that's your choice, isn't it?
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Jan and her complicated date Lloyd Brentridge join Jan's parents for stonecakes and vine at the dining room table. Jan sits next to her mother helping to poke through clumps caught in her swollen and keratinous gum line. Mrs. Jansdaad swallows infrequently but with large gulps that are visible in her neck as they go down her throat.
Lloyd: Mrs. Jansdaad it's lovely to see you recovering. Your husband has done an admirable job at the griddle in your place.
Mrs. Jansdaad lowers her face in Lloyd's direction, exposing a small parietal eye in her scalp. She stares, unblinking.
Lloyd: May I help you clear the table, Jan?
Mr. Jansdaad, jumping up: Why yes, why... please grab that syrup.
Lloyd and Mr. Jansdaad find themselves alone in the kitchen. Jan turns around and finds Mr. Brentridge standing there, very close to him. There are just a few inches between them and not much room to maneuver there between the countertop and the fridge.
Jan: Oh. Sorry Lloyd. Just let me
Lloyd does not move. He is staring into Mr. Jansdaad's eyes. Jan Jansdaad looks back at him without letting out a breath.
Jan: Is there
Lloyd: Shh. I just want one thing. And that's the truth.
Jan can hear his daughter setting out dessert dishes from the glass cabinet as well as his wife's pebbly cough from the other room.
Lloyd's voice is hushed and stern, and his breath is hot.
Lloyd: That's quite a case of shingles you have going on in there.
Jan: Yes, it's just-- Pharmsupply wouldn't cover the
Lloyd: Don't say Pharmsupply to me. I work for Pharmsupply. I am their agent in Dubbahberah Chank.
Jan: I'll get you the records. She had a preexisting inclination. But you're dating my
Lloyd takes Jan's wrist and squeezes it tight. Jan loses control of his fingers and drops a vine glass on the floor.
Lloyd: Don't you ever say your daughter's name to me again. Unless you are ready to take her place.
Jan: She doesn't know anything. Don't worry. She
Lloyd [squeezing Jan's wrist harder, and twisting]: I need samples of her Mrs. Jansdaad's pyncofibers. By tomorrow morning. In my law office.
Jan [straining]: Yes. I'll get the pyncos. Whatever you want. My daughter is a good person. I won't... I won't say her name.
Lloyd, tucking in his shirt and stepping back into the dining room: Jan, get in there and help your father would you. With the cleanup. And then we'll go.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Fireside chat
Jan: The edges of your thoughts are so sharp I just want to grab a file and sand them off. Maybe by our being together
Lord Bentbridge: No, it's not like that-- isn't it more of a woman's function to
Jan: Look the man-woman dichotomy can really be an albatross when you
Lord Bentbridge: I know but you seem to think that this is about you and me, but
Jan: Well this, here, at the moment-- I only see you and me here.
Lord Bentbridge: Overall I would be going through this in a vacuum I think
Jan: You know better than to think that
Lord Bentbridge: There was a couple with their two babies on the sidewalk this afternoon when it was so gloomy right before sunset. Wind was howling. Twigs were flying. One of the babies started a weird hooting cry and then the other an identical cry. It created a sort of audio hellscape.
Jan: This is what I mean; you see you
Mrs. Jansdaad: Why Mr. Jansdaad curled up on the rug before the fire.
Mr. Jansdaad: How you got in here without making the floors creak
Mrs. Jansdaad: Engrossed entertaining another imaginary friend I see.
Mr. Jansdaad: Ha! I thought I might entice you for
Mrs. Jansdaad: If I can get over there without rearranging the furniture
Mr. Jansdaad: How's your tooth.
Mrs. Jansdaad: It's coming out but that's good because I never had a tooth that size before, did I. And the crown is coming down, do you see? Feel here.
Jan took Jan's hand and pressed it against her forehead, which was slowly regaining it's previous shape.
Mr. Jansdaad: They say you'll be stronger afterward. Because you went through it.
Jan Jansdaad looked into her husband's eyes blankly, like a reptile.
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Daughter of La Chama
Jan arrives home with scales covering 98% of her body, unable to even get the key out of her purse much less use it in the lock. Her fingers were claws.
We should never have mingled with their species.
She kicks the door by way of knocking, gouging it with her toe claws. For Jan, as he opens the door, the sight of his wife at first presents as deja vous. Then horror, then caring.
Oh baby look at you please come in... [looks at door] What...?
I should have paid cash for Hopinaskipina. It's not as painful as they say.
God you look like the Daughter of La Chama. Let me hide my shiny coins!
Heh that's cute Jan. How am I going to make dinner.
You're so old fashioned. Let me do it for once.
[Jan sighs and shakes her head, which causes the sounds of knuckles popping.]
The hell
tonight a crust forms around me, a
fluttering, gummy placenta
the muscles are locked from
last night i was trying to drive a
car on a building ledge
i was steering pretty well
they say never go to sleep afraid
or stay awake either
the body will win you over
the hell.
by Jan
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Lord Bentbridge
Why, Lord Bentbridge? Why have you come at such a late hour. Come now sir, come right in. You're getting wet.
Lord Bentbridge, with a tip of his hat and apologetic smile, steps across the threshold, adding in so doing a beleaguered flourish of his half-cape. Jansdaad my friend. My presence here is as puzzling to me as it is to you.
I hope it's bad I mean I hope it's not bad news.
Fear not, only my wife out late again, and I thought why not pop over to Jan's place for some of that excellent sherry, which I suspect he might be enjoying already on his own!
Come Lord, lean on the mantle with me and raise a glass. [They walk over to the mantle, where there are glasses and sherry.]
I say puzzling because
Yes, why do you say puzzling?
Well, let's not be dour. Cheers to you!
Suddenly, the door opens.
Jan? I'm home with... who's here?
Well you've got your arm up on that mantle like an orator, as if you're entertaining.
[Putting away groceries, yelling from the kitchen.] Say have you heard from Jan?
Jan our daughter?
Who else? Your father is dead darling.
You know how many Jans it could be.
Well have you heard from her? Pharmsupply won't pay out for shingles.
You mean Hopinaskipina? That's the most annoying commercial.
She's been hanging around with that sadistic lawyer. You should call.
Do you mean Lloyd? Lloyd Bentley.
Yes, he's an esquire.
Sunday, February 28, 2021
No second shingles shot
Jan liked watching a little tv in the afternoon, or rather she didn't like it, but she was hypnotized by it when her husband Jan had it on, which was most of the time, because it soothed his nerves. She kept it on mute when he wasn't in the room, but then he'd start to notice there was something off, and he'd come back and take the mute off, and that would inevitably be when they were having commercials. The commercials were even more transfixing because of their special audio qualities, which had been outlawed for a while, and then they just seemed to creep back in. The volume and frequency alterations were probably still illegal, but someone was lying about it. Then it would take years of legislation or court processes to get them to stop doing it again even though it never stopped being illegal, and it never stopped being wrong. Only lying had stopped being wrong. The acceptance of and mass participation in lying and religion was the most brilliant social phenomenon of the moment.
Jan would be out in the hooptie to pick up a prescription, and she'd try to read or imagine the faces of the other drivers. The ones in the nicer cars seemed to be gloating. They'd have a wry smile. The guys in the elevated trucks and campers were smiling too, but it was a mean smile. Minorities in crappy cars often seemed pissed off or trying really hard, squinting, to get around. They would be getting tailgated by a guy in a jacked-up 450 with a mean smile. Jan imagined how she looked to other drivers. I look like a freak. I look like a birth defective person with a caved-in head and a flabby, skinny white neck who is trying to cover it all up with a big fluffy beret, a cowl sweater, and giant over-the-glasses sunglasses. I give them all a target to look down on, except the minorities, who don't seem to be paying attention.
The pharmpro is grotesquely obese. His eyes are enormous behind thick glasses. Do you know if Pharmsupply covers the Hopinaskipina vaccine. Let him check. Not. Ok. Rather, it isn't okay, but is it this poor man's fault? Wouldn't shingles itself be much more costly? Not if you die. Right. Shit I am speaking aloud. It's just a thought experiment, doctor, says Jan. I mean pharmpro. I know you don't run the health system. Jan remembers back to her days with the pharmpro boyfriend. I know what they do to get shiv for themselves and how they cover it up. This man has a generous smile. What does he make, 120? 150k? I want what he's having. Jan gives the pharmacist a little wink. That behavior and lots else is why, in her personal opinion, she can only be regarded as total freak material.
The riots at the Mthyuh Preservation Society were on the radio. I should have been there. Had I known, were I more well connected. Of course I know we can't live without the Filter of Loathing. But it's all we have to unfocus on. It's a symbol of our systemic bastardization from society, whatever that is now. They could use a few good old fashioned fleke oaths to start getting their stewardship straight. But most are bought off by Pharmsupply blah blah. It would be fun just to get out. Next time the filter is down I will try and get in with radicals. Maybe even Jan would come along. Who am I kidding. How would I make him stonecakes in the hooptie. They are his life. Baby we've got to get to Highchank and stand up for the original shiv. They have stonecakes. Might work.
Then the chant, with another not infrequent para-informational MPS interruption came on. The chant is accompanied by a distillation of all the free world's favorite music remastered to praise La Chama. Apply brake now. Stop in the moment. All future days are at the state's discretion. I am entitled to the following poisons and schedules. It was annoying how they read the schedules like circus barkers, in thrilling growls and whispers.
Saturday, February 13, 2021
Dome & corpus
Friday, February 12, 2021
Thursday, January 28, 2021
The chopper
Friday, January 22, 2021
Said a loser
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Can i hospice out of this?
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Fluency v. mania
triple hoarfrost
Monday, January 4, 2021
er tips
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
i am rocketing free
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Stabbing gyroscope
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Opportunistic infection
Dr. Donna Thong and Peg whispered through the ancient stone glory hole of at least 9" in depth. It must once have been a Cuban prison.
DR. THONG: I'm remembering Mike and the abdominal surgery I performed on him when I had my patio studio.
PEG: That's after you were a Fanny-Girl temp out in Dead Beet Chank.
DR. THONG: You know friends do continue to self-realize when you're not around.
PEG: But you've always had emotions for Mike. Two swimmers in one pool or another.
DR. THONG: He told me his intestines smelled like latex for months afterward.
PEG: He sat up on the table fresh like a baby, glass bottles tinkling against the IV stand.
DR. THONG: You remember the story like a song.
PEG: The one that got away. But what of the others?
it seemed as if they entered willingly
following their noses to my kitchen
i thought most necromancy to be weak
but the bottom of the pie was crispy
followed by stepping out of doors to neck
that first incision leading to the next
we woke among discarded vials of heparin
ecstatic still in the wane of hydrocodone
ready to renew our grunted oaths
until the next opportunistic infection.
Sunday, December 13, 2020
I hope that my illness takes you hostage
Friday, December 11, 2020
without believing, expecting
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Saturday, December 5, 2020
They have to mine the muscle memories
Thursday, November 26, 2020
It's not as if we don't have feelings
charnelle, a gladiate
Saturday, November 14, 2020
the rock method
Thursday, November 12, 2020
My toplessness
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Two trains
Monday, November 9, 2020
Preen gland technician
They brought me inside the control room of my own mother's puppet corpse. I could look down over the switches and buttons and through the glass down five stories and watch her feet drag and thud, drag and thud across the empty Sears parking lot, which was just the tip of the iceberg.
Once we had triggered The Crack, it was a watery world of carelessness; a sort of sleep paralysis of the shock reflex set in while we were fed through a peristalsis of the dimensional organ.
She was/ was not my mother. This was the flesh of the great beautiful young K who could toss me 100 meters into the sky with her beaque and catch me easily in her seal craw, where lightly blood-dappled pelts were stacked and crumpled into a very stinky but gossamer safety net. The woman they extracted from her inner ear during a shiv molting also is/ isn't La Pegyuh. She seems to carry all her memories, fears, quick tongue. Her body, as well, is now tortured day and night with Remote Tissue Decisioning in order to coordinate with image mirroring protocols and functions. They say she was a random preen gland technician who took a wrong turn somehow.
by Reptily
No more community theater
The stage is dark at the center and it's one of those setups where the players are seated or standing around the inside of the three walls waiting to take their turns. Giant leaves made of plastic bags get caught up in the breeze of a fan and bound noisily across the upstage out of doors like plastic bags.
"But then I'm telling you we love to have her and she's so talented but she does her writhing ritual really in breaking of character and does it right in the middle of the stage when others should be starting their lines and action."
"Jan, I can sympathize, but she's over 21. I can't control her even with the shiv. She has the fins of an embryo, but she'll never develop any further or take on the exclusive markings of any particular species. She feels like shiv's the only way she can find freedom as she will never sprout wings or a full claw matrix, so the ancient hooting and dancing are her expression of a foiled archetypal and organic need."
"Don't get me started on the topic of Institute for the Talk Therapy Apologist Movement mumbo-jumbo, Donna. We all knew from the start the risks we were taking by having Reptily here full time. I mean, not just a goat you can tether to a tree. And it's really no problem. Just no more community theater, k?"
Thursday, November 5, 2020
The Lady Bug
Monday, November 2, 2020
life's little mercies
cracked microwave oven
atomic bomb tests
industrial farming
office smoking
deviated septum
demon possession
house fire
house fire
house fire
Saturday, October 31, 2020
The South must be reined in
Is Braino telekinetic
I was dozing off at the command center just six o'clock from the electric rice maker on the dining room table. But Braino was upstairs in bed dreaming because that's its point of reference for sleep or fond memories of dreaming there or just because it can. But when it started thinking about not having put the rice away, like in a baggie in the fridge, it started coming down the stairs and was going at the rice maker from that descending angle, more like four o'clock, when I woke up. Sometimes you wake up and have double vision for a moment, and that's what it was like.
Monday, October 26, 2020
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Friday, October 23, 2020
Now Entering The Crack
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Is Braino a boll weevil, picaresque Christ planting misery
i cry with fear
my friend tells his near-death experience as a joke
when i tell mine, i'll some point get the urge to cry
what is it awe, no, self-pity, well... no, fear. i cry with fear
then what was it, seen not remembered remembered but
not seen... that spooked no it's not spook fear. it's wide-
eyed terror at a blurry event that at the time was not
scary. there was an organization that required its mem-
bers, at a given point, to say, "...and that's when i started
working myself up." suspicious at first about the cultural
tokens sprinkled throughout event call it, i realize that
even though the mind collects its available symbolism,
that doesn't mean you're not actually dying. delayed
horror. at a non-scary moment or hour. judgement now
kicking in as Braino congratulates herself and begins
creating her own survival story: look at what could
have happened if not for my heroic and timely action?
i don't care. Braino is the real savior in the story either
way. Doing for herself what God could have and might
have done without her willing self-starterality. Of course
the God side would say of course God directed Braino
to do it, but ok, i see the divided gratitude energy betw.
what? not deities-- apples and oranges. Braino is really
just a glorified human organ, not even. she's just a function
of an operation of an organ, but she is the most beautiful
and one who would make any lesser god than God jealous
probably use a peeler on their thigh gouge an eye, attempt
retribution etc. God-Braino is completely different. it's
like God-bird flying to a tree branch, harmony. then there's
the question does Braino get drunk or stoned if i do. well
not sure cuz one of those things i don't do, but... can Braino
be addicted to any physical substance or even i guess love,
etc.? of course as in i love you with all my being which
would include Braino. don't over or underestimate i guess.
Does Braino get tired. i say no. she wakes up even more
in sleep, no. she is not so urgently needed as in waking
hours when anything could happen. only one tiny part
of her is the conscience and another is urine regulation,
so... obviously we're not talking about the normal, sub-
awake mind here. in fact "we" are not talking about
anything; this is actually more of an inquiry of B. her-
self, which is probably as ridiculous as a seance or
one of those amazing tv preacher self-answering prayers.
God is not the only sphinx in the universe. i get it that
you shouldn't get it muddy what, which god, huh? but as
described above, it's more like sphinx God smiling down
on sphinx bird flying to a branch. why do we bother?
how nice they have this peace. so Braino says, peace
my ass. even tho i am mute, i can't take that. i am the
workhorse of the entire operation, bitch! i never sleep
you know i never sleep. it falls on me to figure out
the flack and you make me do it totally wasted as shit
on ok i won't say it. that's about the best i can do as to
a workup or a portrait channeling or who knows direct
quote from her royal highness. she sounds real to me.
But there was the question of wait.. all that sounded
as if Braino is being held as what a hostage? by me?
i think the original question ok, i feel what they call a
tiny voice saying hey sleep on it but if that is Braino
that means she a lie cuz she needs sleep-- or cares
what about me shia lebouf i've totally left out christ is
that what he portrays in our cultural toolbox? The
character of Braino, the intermediary, the divine
flesh, but again, Braino is only divine in a camp sense.
i really don't think there's a conflict though because
you know if you pray and it's a christian prayer, you
pray to christ anyway-- Braino is not really for praying
to; i wouldn't want to flatter her quite that much.
which brings up the issue of proper address in prayer:
i believe it is necessary to address a prayer: even tho
i know where it's going, Braino in a compassionate
(?) manner or just as a normal function might feel she
has to take on whatever i am praying for; in some ways
i am her boss, but i don't want to... is this one area
where Braino can get confused while mostly knowing
more than i could possibly know at any given moment.
is this the one or one of many ways i have to take her
in hand, an ultimately defenseless and delicate creature,
feed and protect, etc. in turn she may protect me out of
thousands of possible examples maybe if there is
information that's "too much" for me to handle, like it
would give me a heart attack, or an actual memory of
a heart attack, etc. so she keeps it a secret. but then
she might get in a habit of doing that too often; may-
be she can detect the bad results of the bottleneck
without being self-aware enough to realize it's her own
neurosis causing it in the first place. Ha-ha that was a
joke. but fear. simply because i didn't feel at home, that
there were desperate decisions being made and there
was nothing i could do about it; whenever i tried to
answer my voice would wake me, but it was annoying
not a relief to be wakened. Braino may have been
the underlying annoying agent, just to jolt me back in
shape-- it would be just like that ok i won't say it.
by Ilyn
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Unauthorized swagger
Monday, October 12, 2020
whether or not you can escape, it will be prolonged
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Mucked up with bandage glue
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Mike's Swimming Blog #1001
Friday, October 9, 2020
Sick and ugly cult
by LaChama
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Bongo interlude
Friday, September 25, 2020
It's your world Abel
Life and Death them
selves are engraved
across your breast.
You've got a daughter;
You just had four
beers at your in-laws.
Even a quick blow
job would be fun.
From nothing, you've
made my life glow--
cleaned under chachkas
I'd not checked in years;
I've taken a shower
young stud, but I'd
like you natural pls.
Except not if there
was pussy; sorry, I
mean only after a
normal work day's
grime for example. It's
your world because
you're bossy and
drunk, Abel. That
type of behavior for
whatever reason makes
me have good luck.
by LoDonna