[This post had been stricken by the Mthyuh Preservation Society.]
various takes on water buffalo
the female go into boss office
hair as a wig, go down on him
He come out sarcastic about an-
other woman who is not desire-
able but serious doing her work.
Next day boss and female (sec-
retary) go out to lunch reappear
two hour, interns make excuses
Coordinator come pick impreg-
nate a frontline rep who wants
a green card, become a hit team
Fattest are most powerful their
suffering greatest trust fullest
35yo VP so fat Go Rascal chair
Chairman fat back surgeries, so
revered by his butt fat and cute
baby looks with fun self-esteem
President fat is a globe equator
belt, sweat, dentures, will chew
your balls is his facial attitude.
Send selfies on dude site to the
whole Mormon town with his
hair all scruffy wanting a date.
by Donna
"In twilight during tori removal surgery."