Friday, March 7, 2025


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Terminal karmic fallout

took another look at the cracks in the ceiling

first time since cancer shook that immortal feeling

now existential threats seem more appealing

because i made it to the next product rollout

no worries vex re: terminal karmic fallout

i rent my own flesh as a chemical redoubt

from an industry enmeshed in an economy 

while a budget takes a knee to autocracy

the poor and weak uncertain what's about to be

those who would die but for their government

watch drunken teens rage across the firmament

a culling more like nature than intelligent

by Jan

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

My own personal narrative arc? by Phyliss

1) It's not the reader's business. 

2) I don't have a narrative arc, ok? I am a working gal who just got caught up in trans-special linguistics and, as we all know, it was only a fluke of nature that made me the only person on our surface who can make sense of some of these texts. 

3) I am the same as I have always been. When I was born, as a baby, I was smaller, but emotions? Then and now? Exactly the same. I am more skilled at managing them only. A skill learned through a lifetime is not a narrative arc. I have never been entitled enough to have one perhaps. Being able to make the big mistakes, the big hits, to be earth changing. To have a fatal flaw. I and you? We were both born fatally flawed and with any luck and lack of horror we'll die, and die flawed.

4) What I learned or what you should learn, if learning actually does have to be done here, should be about what I learned about the world, people. 

5) Like Jesus, I lived passionately and overconfidently. On both our parts, that was hot. 

6) My life was not an arc of unknowing and then knowing or not being and becoming or being enslaved and then free or some kind of freak as in Flowers for Algernon or Valley of the Dolls or Death in Venice

7) You will not be privy to my narrative arc unless I write an autobiography, which I won't. I may, however, write more texts in which the narrative arc is completely missing maybe because this is adult shit and not Cliff's Notes. 

8) This is some real life, baby, not a parable or or a tract or some national hegemony myth. 

9) I would tell you the same stories from a bar stool or on a massage table, in the same way, and you'd be laughing your ass off or crying, so I don't need no stinkin' narrative arc. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Only through death did she

i'm on the incline not a beeline

on a good road not the right road

but fear is rising not declining

(before you go-go you're like a yo-yo)

i'm ready to know yo the end of the tow bro

it's a rip not a drip tide when it rains uey

don't make a chain don't lose your own lives

lock your hands around the good side

because a witch, I can float

i still have most of my parts

i already hold my breath as often as i breathe

having oft washed up on a shore and been tested

you have been raped and found wanting

you my cartoon spoils

somebody startup the tympany drumming

Writhe, my subjects, writhe!

Strain to demonstrate your subservience

Occupy the lowermost layer of oxygen

This is my day! I rise as a sun!

by Missy
Table 3
Winter Crafts & Poetry Festival
Palacio Bellas Artes
Dubbaberra Chank

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

I hope you find out how you got so big


sorry Jan, we've run into some problems here
that trip through The Crack will have to be
postponed put off because well for you it 
wouldn't seem so bad but to me 4 years is
hard time baby, without seeing you even in 
your current state, there is no horror like
what's happening back home i'm glad
that you don't have to see it. stay on your
self-seeking journey i hope that you 
find yourself or figure out how you got 
so big

in perpetuity,

Thursday, January 30, 2025


Saturday, January 18, 2025

Recovered from K-5000



Oxygen, water (must be boiled), raw materials, basic tools to process environmental opportunity, charity. 

Commie Plan

Shared air, water, food, shelter. Educational opportunities. Legal rights. Little protection against sociological attack. 

Bring Your Own Luxury

Perks and standing upgrades for high value members. The law. Wealth protection. Health wealth and educational fast track. Compete with other members for most decked out pad, most homes, most stunning locations, most access to power. Dreams do come true. Charity. Lots of charity.

MPS doc #4509385lj0t
Recovered from K-5000



Thursday, January 16, 2025

God hid my meds

God hid my meds

Men took my time

Dogs were sublime

Meds saved my life

Men act like gods

Barking the law

Need meds more than God

Need God more than men

Need men to stay calm

by Missy

Friday, January 10, 2025

Thursday, January 2, 2025
