Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Living as a Career Bachelorette

Last night's doggie-bag salmon with safflower mayo, squeezed lemon, romaine, salt, dill. Downed with a cold $5 sav-blanc. I got the wrong fork, I know!

2nd course: Reheated spinach linguini. It looks so yella cuz I'd added a ton of turmeric to the bottled pasta sauce along with ground sirloin, fennel, cayenne. Topped from a tiny bottle of Kraft parm from the AM/PM Mini-Mart.

All still welcome at the fortnightly Endangered Foods Summit and Pot-Luck.
Mthyuh Preservation Society HQ, Ritual Death Salon, Partition IV.
1st and 3rd Wednesdays.



  1. You ain't gonna be a bachelorette long with eats like those...

  2. Born-again fish could have used a slug of vinegar, ditto the romaine. That stuff lasts an eerily long time in a cold fridge, and you have to wonder is it better like a wax museum to look and not eat. The package actually suggests using the leaves as bowls and plates for heavier vittles. Any lettuce is in danger of being seen as food impostor, chimera, hypothesis, membrane, air balloon, water bottle, spirit guide, leprechaun. It's just water acting as a cGMP specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor to dead cellulose, and that lively color may only be an anomalous expression of cyanopsia.
