Sunday, November 8, 2015

Black rectangle

Climb back into your body
where it's safe (?) black
rectangle on the eye balls

Floating black rectangle the
negative of a backlit screen
framed in light in the mind

I carry this rectangular iris
shape in my body visually
for a longer or fading time

Jan Jansdaad
"I'm Jan's daughter Jan, and he's my father."

Monday, November 2, 2015

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Friday, October 23, 2015

the east and west

his body is skinny but he has a big head and feet
she gets sore walking her muscle torso on sticks

they face the east and west, wasted to the known
proving those that seek darkness only need sleep

by Donna

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Monday, October 12, 2015

Scared face

As did a forger, I held my face print in my mind and
went to the mirror's afterimage: I saw the scared face
or is it sentiment of fear, of losing my object, mirror

it's the face with which frankly I looked at you with
but more from above, so more sag, an ebbing red now
and I saw there in my own shadow your fear or the

reflection of my face in your face, the fear we share
but now as well a longing hopefulness, melodramatic
twinkle, or was it on my blank face yours printed fear?

"For you, Phyllis"

Friday, October 9, 2015

Compromised ramrod

this doesn't hang right
too many holes in wall
october's sunset night
sinks into vortex now

i do every bad I can do
exploit days without you
seeking unhealthy meals
because I'll see you soon

i rise to your higher state
or habits, maybe fate can
tell why we get on so well
shack up after two dates

"I'm vulnerable right now."

Monday, September 28, 2015

snot storm

there are protective toxins
that make petty little bitches
of ladies and gentlemen

Story of the Protective Toxin

It was a flower, and it gave off just the right amount of protective toxin, a discourager rather than an exterminator. Then one year there was an exponentially larger aphid swarm, and it had to blast the protective toxin to fight the pestilence, but then it didn't turn off. In subsequent years, essential bugs just died against its fluorescent, amoniac ribs, and then it too withered from lack of pollen or whatever.

Is it one of those morals where you can see the shame rather than the practice as pathological. Can it be cured by the medium of matrimonial gravitas.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I washed ashore here with all my shit

I washed ashore here with all my shit
the beach of autumn's cusp

There's no one who really cares, all gone
taken by winter's dawn

As live man scratches lid of casket,
I hammered my own hull

Spin, vajra-- spin! Tear up the ages.
Clean the rocks of lichen.

"Short for a state in the Great Lakes Region"

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The only answer is to be like Jesus

The only answer is to be like Jesus
not dead Jesus, or like live Jesus as
He is represented to live by some,
but like Jesus's red letters in the
eponymous edition, only that, the
red letters in the white, zippered
vinyl embossed with gold letters.

Jesus had the answers, all the an-
swers, not the rest of the Bible.
He lidderly didn't have the rest.
To be like Jesus is forgive above
all and also give, reflect, cleanse.
Other religions are inferior when
you are not sure they have all this.

You hit rock bottom with trendy
ministries preaching catchy sides
but which turn a cheek, and which
Christians? Which let live the
guilty and the innocent, born equal
and fall, not just make bad choices.
He'd say get up and walk, forget it.

Donna Thong
"Still've got the surgery on the patio!"

Sunday, September 20, 2015