Door trimmed with a rose trellis. Brass plaque on door: LAW OFFICES
Lloyd Brentridge, Esquire, was always dressed in at least one part of a suit and often had the shirt open to a dark, furry chaos.
Lloyd doesn't actually work for Pharmsupply, and Mr. Jansdaad has already gathered that it is all bullshit when he nevertheless shows up at Law Offices as promised, trembling.
Mr. Jansdaad: Jan!
Jan Jansdaad: Daddy!
After a silent moment, Jan explains that she's working for Lloyd now as the receptionist. Also a fact that her dad has already gathered. It is the way she said it that is chilling and familiar. As if under a spell, and not in a good way.
Jan: He will see you now.
Jan's Dad: Thank you honey.
Open the deeper, inner door. Where Lord and Lloyd will either blend or clash.
Lloyd: Shut the door behind you.
Jan: I've brought in the records you requested.
Lloyd: You see your daughter is now under my auspices.
Jan: Yes.
Lloyd: You probably know I'm not Pharmsupply, that it's all bullshit.
Jan: Yes.
Lloyd: Yet you came anyway. You haven't even taken a seat because I haven't offered you one.
Jan: I
Lloyd: Don't speak. Your wife is turning into a K, isn't she? You don't have to say a word. She missed the second shingles vaccine and she seroconverted. She has to have had a disposition, and I think you know some history on that. Mrs. Jan Jansdaad is not just any old Jan Jansdaad. She had a history before she met you and she has one now. And that history has been as repressed as it is mysteriously irrepressible, like ecriture feminine. A code only a genetic member could translate or inscribe.
Lloyd starts abruptly, as if he has just heard a hilarious noise behind him.
Lloyd: What is that. What is that Jan. Do you
Jan: It's disco.
Lloyd: Don't you think I know what it is? Why? Why, Jan?
The thumping and whirring become louder: Mrs. Jansdaad's now gigantic foot pads and breath become louder: the dreaded disco-like sound of a K on the ground.
The glass in the window crashes impressively, but all Mrs. Jansdaad can fit through it is the very tips of her beak bones, which she can barely get open wide enough. But she is hungry.
Because Lloyd Brentridge has his fingers in his ears, Jan's tongue is able to restrain his arms and squeeze around his neck at the same time.
Mr. Jansdaad [arms outstretched]: Oh, Lord!
Jan and her dad Jan Jansdaad then stand very still as they watch their mother and wife suck Lloyd, their sadistic lover and bully crush, by the neck through the window and then high up into the air in a single, otherworldly burst of power. Father and daughter alone began to look around them there in the breezy office, medical records still floating leaf like to the floor.