Thursday, November 30, 2023



Foto: Vikki de Chaneque

organic provocateur

Jan and Peg splay their hips across many acres of swamp grass and feel the cool relief on their teats as they chat propped up on their wing knees in a vast wetlands valley near Chaneque de Primavera Eterna Chank. Every moons passed with Peg is exponentially fractalizing to her understanding of identity, community, grift, graft, metamorphosis, and species. La Pegyuh, in turn, is fascinated by a fellow K who was once and can still be a trans-Crack human woman. They take in the light birdsong and whistling breezes as they communicate in a common language but with their minds only. 

as something akin to a dinosaur am i an organic provocateur   

you mean are you innocent

is that what i mean? it was just a question

if you want to find out an answer it is appropriate to pose the question and the answer is this: yes your appearance alone relative to that of your average heathen beholder is enough to agitate if not strike terror

how about horror

that too

i noticed that the gentlemen in particular react first with rage and then a sort of kill or flee dichotomy

and the women

mostly they go with reason and earnestness and give body language that's not threatening but it depends if there are kids around

and after they figure out they're not going to die?

even as their breathing and heartrates settle their hatred seems to increase 

how do you know?

they become transparently passive-aggressive all genders be signifying shunning trying to shut down the hygiene hangars you know the drill

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

My seeks are chunken

My dear concudant:

I miss a summer with the coling of stogne on men who easily go along. Remember?

Covered the stank of lake fish city night hot park. Did we throw a carcass in the water?

Stop touching yourself and listen now: There's reason to believe it lived. 

There's been a hicken chopping around on a leg nobody wanted. Is it a punishment?

Lead deaves instead of feathers stick to the grease and bone and his wings 

Never did more than fignify slight abstractly. 

You see, i am chat thicken. My seeks are chunken. Enife is the lemy. 

Meaning life when gou're yone: Soaring peeing seeking and encountering altercations. 

Obin Boders, K Stud
to: Ms. Missy Rangey

Monday, November 27, 2023

World dominion = multiculturalism everywhere

The lottery pod is out of order and i'm

still busted from the last draw meaning

what was drawn from me not by me

I would draw a foundation for the earnest

to develop skills of dishonesty 

pork barrel gas light all the fallacy types

If not the jackpot then a chance to be a father

just to deeply breed mistrust in a beloved

readiness to love and fight fight love fight

I still feel the loss of my freshness seal 

like a plague mask shielded interlocutors

from the perils of full-on intercourse 

World dominion = multiculturalism everywhere

= monoculturalism = now = way back when =

later = i still can't win = life = narrative


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Tonight's dogless dogwalk

cobweb, result and cause of manic ruminations

I got my hat on

I got my ginger mint my sucky stick my telephone

No more do i require a leash or harness

I walk alone

dwell, to live in exist or stay too long

I'm sitting down

This is how i pay collect a debt or debenture

My legs may serve to find a new serenity

Away from all this furniture

axenic, free of other lines that might compete

I'm in my head

Sometimes my heart cries out for intervention then

Just when i close the loop and think i'm done

I start again

— Chez Zeus-Krost

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

intimate definitions

Jan and Peg are relaxing in shallow pools in the shapes of their relax-print in the glacier pools of ice that melts beneath their bodies as they lay on the glacier chatting and spritzing one another playfully with Friends' Hangar Hygiene Spray. The containers of spray are attached to the industrial tanker vehicles they'd had so much fun chasing up the highway and plucking up into their beak-mouths earlier that day if you are measuring on a time-based system. The tiny intense sun feels crackly on their pycnofibers and inside their ears where they are trying to hear each other speak with their minds only.

So ya that's what Jans is all about: huckster. It's hucksterism. They all be selling or wanting to sell they little products that's the business aspect like freedom to go ahead and try and hock craft flip what you want to and say whatever you want to about it with as few regulations as possible to make as many gold coins as you can and get the hell out. That spells liberty. And shore, religion is right up in there they say La-LaChama id-dah richest pan-gendered deity in na-known Crack. Ain nobody up in her vajraja books. They barely aware of her published statements.

I like your nails.

Oh thanks. 


You know what i think about nails... Ya there's about a gallon of exterior house paint on each one of these doll but they did come out good. Painted nails make three statements one you can have this. Your bright color nails say yes you can have this and how do you know because i am advertising it. I am decorating the hell out of my own body like it's on a shelf and ready to be sold girl. Two the nails they can also say you can't have this. And i want you to remember that and i want it to hurt a little. Look at this highly decorated and must be highly valuable body o mine. The answer is no. But you and i both know the question baby. Three they say look sure you can look and you should look who wouldn't. Just that for now, but for sure i want you to have a look and think for yourself on can you have can you not have this. 

I like number three the i can look. 

Oh you don't wanna have this?


Jan and Peg's shattering cry-laughing creates mini-avalanches at the edges of the ice shelf and a mini-roiling of the sea waters. As their laughter dies down, or as the reason for their laughter dying down, they both recall a moment of special intimacy in a hot geyser pool thousands of moons in the distance and wonder if the other is also remembering not being able to tell exactly if the memory is their own or a mind-only transmittal of language further to their conversation or? They look at one another sideways.

Say, do you re

Stop. Just stop there.


Phyllis [Trans.]

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

La vajraja and the love of the vajraja vajra rajas of love above

La LaChama has fled the underground jail pit in tears and retreated to her cloister after the confrontation with her split-yolk Reptilly. Still able to breath though not without effort deep in the mantle of the planet Peg has opened the jail door and helped her godchild Reptily out into the open cavern to rest on a bed of fresh hemp branches. They are able to see in complete darkness and speak with their minds only. 

When i was cry dancing and slamming my body into the iron restraints of your treacherous jail was that a cynical charade meant only to hurt the two of you as deeply as possible?

Silly. Only you know the answer to that question. It did occur to me though that you wanted us to feel as jarred and frightened as you were feeling. 

But what i wanted is for you to understand. Remember that i am essentially naive and believe that understanding leads to acceptance even if it must be beaten into me.

Reptily-ily you express a sentiment shared and passed down as a genetic disorder by your own generations. You've never experienced corporal punishment as wrong, even while it is going on? 

I've never experienced corporal punishment as wrong, even while it's going on, just as i would never let the meaning lead the rhyme nor push the meter beyond the time nor drop a message in the wine. 

I know that you know that i know you are dissociating. 

But why do i do that?

La LaChama, for example. Why is she no longer stringing marigolds and gifting them to pilgrims' necks?

You know why. She was more like gifting herself marigolds and stringing their necks. 

What did she believe about the pilgrims. 

That they must be saved for Mthyuh even at the end of a whip or from within a bruising squeeze. 

I saw her once leading a group through the moons festival ground. She was so much taller than any of them, even with the way she stooped. She clutched a matted yak shawl around her shoulders and operated a whistling bamboo rod in the other fist. She herded them like meat goats inflicting visible defense wounds on their arms and fingers. 

Right, she is safer to society after the abduction by prayer. Now she can focus on the more esoteric aspects of lavajraja. 

The love of lavajraja. 

La lavajraja that is love and is of love a lavajraja loving the love of the vajra from love and from the love of the vajarja vajra rajas of the rajas of love above... 


Tuesday, November 7, 2023


back when you were functional
i stole your tylenol
because i found it plausible
that your tormentor, my uncle
would find himself in pain

he'd go looking for the bottle
among his stash of wolfbain
under ottoman and table
in the effing baby's cradle
until he'd think and say my name

but ya this is a parable
and of course i feel terrible
and should have known full well
that mofo'd go and take it out on you
that pain can be transferable

by Jan

How outcasts become snobs

La LaChama and Peg have trapped Reptily in an underground cage. LaChama of course is a yolk-split of Reptily meaning they used to be the same. 

Peg, a genuine queen, was there fronting a crinkly black cape in her most Jan-like wo-manifestation:

PEG (tilting head): We have you together with us now darling so why not see if we can make the most of it.

REPTILY: Make the most of this! My head spine can grow long enough to pike you right through these ridiculous iron bars. 

LACHAMA: She is our godmother. 

REPTILY (spitting): Shhpht. Your petty associations. I am a monster!

PEG: My poor darling. Let's sit.

LACHAMA (sitting): I love you sister.

REPTILY (cry-dancing throwing her body against the bars iron ceiling rock floor of the restraint breaking a collar bone and a quasi-kneecap cry-yelling): Please just leave me here to die!

PEG (sitting and weeping): We are all grown now. The only power we have over you is those bars. We would prefer to take you in our arms. 

REPTILY (short harsh doglike breaths): ...

Phyliss [Trans.]

Friday, November 3, 2023

olive drab

It was not pre-weathered

I weathered it 

As i myself weathered

Now me and it

At ease & unfatigued

Avail ourselves

To answer The Question

& we find there's

Nothing to figure out