Sunday, July 23, 2023

She had been devalued by the light of the True Moons

She had gone to the festival like all the other drunken daredevils with their shiv-stained lips and hurricane-party approach. She had stood in the light just as foretold, and she was changed forever. From her own internal point of view. And therefore others climbed on that too. 

It felt like a normal light, as you'd get from a public oracle dispenser on white. But it had another purpose (we can infer for our own purposes despite complete unknowing being the moons' central fact): a purpose to make so clear as to be horrific, hell-like. 

It didn't just illuminate, and it burned, but only inside; it provoked some genetic changes that had been dormant to date. And would have remained so. 

I heard there were those who didn't turn away. 

Ya, there were the ones who stared as if i'd been asked a question i couldn't answer, and then they couldn't stay.

Because they didn't understand what was happening to you? 

No, because they could see the answer. They could see everything. 

So the ones who didn't turn away

The ones who didn't turn away just didn't give a shit i guess. 


No, but I'm saying, it devalued me. The light did. Sure it put me in a pantheon but where the other ones are dead.

So many others were made holy-hideous in the True Moons. 

Mostly flekes and the guy at the festival who was trying to save me. But i already had a place in the temple. I didn't need MPS to create a whole other branch to embrace my disfigurement. 

That's what you say now, Tilly. 

from "My True Moons Story" from "Hangar Hangs With Big Jan"
by Reptily [Phyliss, trans.]

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