Now that the swimming pool had been drained for good, Mike took up with new ways and associates. One amante at the Preservation Society, another down at Shiv Council. A scientist, an accountant, a bum. Let bloom a goatee and a black, open-shirted look. Got into trouble with rents and men all the way to Cliffe Suites. Until he showed up here one morning.
"I'm looking for Julio."
"Do you mean Hoolie?"
"Told me he lived out back in the shed."
"We don't live here at all. We..."
"Julio." He was looking over my shoulder at I guessed Hoolie.
"Mike." Hoolie says behind me. I step out of the way and they say,
"Just because there's no water, don't mean you can't dive."
"We squirmed like eels in another atmosphere."
"Even while lawn salad bobbed on top."
"But now it's a neck breaker."
"NO. We've got lungs now. Ears."
"We've got the Filter down and K's rampaging."
"Yeah. I let 'em out. One of my pranks. Come dark-rule the chanks with me."
"NO. Come with us. We're deities."
"NO. My life is free."
"NO. You are a slave to shiv and idling caprices..."
As the sun set, the two worked out their issues. Silhouettes in pink on the listing log cabin porch. I, a woman, could not intervene. I wasn't even sure if Mike had the right guy. Hoolie isn't Mexican.
Delinquent Correspondence
19 hours ago
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