this song, an avatar
Here in a trophied stone house,
the game cottage, game heads on walls
where palace charnel begins
meat meant for kings is first sacrificed and carved here, enabling their generations
its wet and glittering course,
see silver trays piled with fresh moist legs and chops bobbing up a path to the castle, into royal mouths, in royal peristalsis
I offer my fingertips,
this is where I choose to make a commitment, to reach out to the infinite (future)
blind and pendent ministers
active faith in our love, suspended in darkness
of last-moment innocence.
as yet but terminally unrequited
There in pierced forgiving skins
stacks of tiger hides on which you recline, their beauty has absorbed the violence of penetration
blood charges your perfecture
you on the other hand are throbbing with present life in a space that you experience from the inside out and I from the outside in
and can whisper a promise
blood, an excited pulse, rushes in your ears
while hours press beyond my lips.
that's how you'll remember me, how I'll speak to you, in that sound
Promise [the MP3]
Fishing For A Limerick
2 days ago