Again, the priests reminded them the end was near. Shu Volcano was rumbling in the near distance as if pleased after the meal of virgins and handicapped.
We wondered if previous generations had felt as though they walked in a dream of imminent destruction. The bones tasted good.
Reptily, our Persian maid, hit the gong with a pig's skull on a stick. "Time for prayer!" You couldn't even argue with slaves when it came to P time. She shrieked as if it were raining liberty coins. We considered beating her after the second bell, but most of us fell asleep during Promise of Blood and woke with our faces in our Ga bowls after the lizards had shifted well behind the smoke stain.
It was still true. The keepers had spelled it simply in Tu vines hanging from their cliff loft: "we die. "
Delinquent Correspondence
10 hours ago
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