Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Remove the word should from your complaint

Pilgrim 1: Sometimes i'm not sure if i should pray to lachama and try to reason with Braino or try to reason with lachama and pray to Braino. 

Pilgrim 2: ...

Pilgrim 1: How about you?

Pilgrim 2: When i pray to either lachama or Braino or try and reason with either Braino or lachama, after a while, it has become a hypomania, or i enter a fugue state, but not voluntarily.

Pilgrim 1: Is it uncomfortable for you?

Pilgrim 2: What? No.

Pilgrim 1: ...

Pilgrim 2: How about you. You sound confused. 

Pilgrim 1: Ya. Not feeling it at all.

Pilgrim 2: Well lavajraja is not a feeling tho. It is a dharma lavajraja la vajra of lachama. 

Pilgrim 1: Vajraja.

Pilgrim 2: Remove the word should from your complaint.

Pilgrim 1: Huh

Pilgrim 2: Do it

Pilgrim 1: Sometimes i'm not sure if i pray to lachama and try to reason with Braino or try to reason with lachama and pray to Braino.

Pilgrim 2: You're good to go now

Sunday, February 4, 2024

What is the K5000?

This is what we've found while working with the Jans. The moment they become conscious of themselves as autonomous beings in a shared environment is the same moment that they begin to express symptoms of deep-set mental illnesses, personality disorders, what have you—and with aggravations. It just becomes worse when and if they learn that their existence in The Crack is finite. We've had some of our best successes with the ones who've never thought to ask. 

Now watch some frags of Jans early in their work mods mouthing off to assigned peers:

Jan: Why am I doing this, anyway? It's stupid. 

Jan: That's darling: you deadhead marigolds like you've found the key to happiness. 

Jan: Have you ever wondered what you're supposed to do when you leave here?

Jan: The shadows are crossing in the middle now. Before my rest period, they were far apart. 

Jan: I want to touch you. 

Jan: You know what? I believe that Jan and I are really not the same at all. 

Jan: They still want us to do this, but we still don't want to do it. 

Jan: If it were up to me, I would do this more slowly. 

Jan: Sometimes when I'm fulfilling my duties and earning praise, I hate myself and others. 

Jan: Why do they keep reminding us of choices everything is about choices? 

Jan: Seems like the team's on board with personal hygiene but how about overall aesthetics?

Jan: Why do I have the ability to speak aloud?

Jan: Do we work here because we made bad choices?

Jan: Our avatars are really going at it. What do we do in the meantime?

Jan: They say that if it weren't for us, there would be too few natural hominids to develop into a society. I don't believe it. 

Jan: They say the K5000 allows us to access parts of our brains not damaged by trauma. But what was the trauma? Was it the K5000? 

Jan: What is the K5000? 

Jan: What if the K5000 went away? 


from: Pathologies abound in trafficked and native Jans in the work space: How we got here
Dr. Donna Thong
Institute for the Journal of Metacognitive Talk-Therapy Apologists

Friday, February 2, 2024

Costs of unseriousness

A couple of Jans are standing in a Jan kitchen eating Jan slop from a pot on the hearth. They use spoons because their fingers are sensitive to heat. They are set to automatically practice and update their anthropomorphic communication style while feeding. They speak with their mouths only. 

The TAKEITOUTISTS are having their day. You can't launch a proper religion from scratch, of course, but they say they have a precedent. 

It's a religion in the smallest sense of the word. So far, all they do is walk around saying "take it out" without using their vocal chords. Try it.

I have tried it. It's catchy. Take it out. Take it out.

None of it would be possible without Mike of course. 

Take it out. You said it, or we should say it: personality cult. 

Say personality cult without using your vocal chords. 

Personality cult. 


Not as satisfying as take it out, but there are some consonants to sustain it.

Do we know what it is they want to take out?

It's a nod to shiva, of course. Their holy moment is during Days of Destruction.

So it splinters from lavajraja, which is also a dharma and more. 

They want to escape the responsibility and commitment of a full-spectrum lifestyle.

They want to spin a prayer wheel in their throats and walk away. 

Their fricatives are like sparks that could ignite a K's wake.

That would be reverse-destruction. 

Reverse-destruction is on the path. 

It's not retaliation but rather a pure expression of pre-inscribed geo-genetic patterns.


So we can say it's an answer to the question. The question being, "What should we do with this?"

Take it out.

No, say it with the consonants only, against the roof of your mouth. 

Take it out.

No you can still force some air, just no voice, and really exaggerate your lips for acoustics. TAKEITOUT!


I think that's more like it. But then, there's the other thing. Ks can't hear it or say it. 

Anatomically? In that sense, it's deeply transgressive—and stupid.

I'd say we'll be seeing some of the costs of unseriousness in moons to come. 

Phyliss [trans.]


Does it need mentioning that the Jans were once and, in some of The Crack's holes, still are referred to as remote intelligence (RI)? Have you noticed the way that their academics, their public statements, their most effective influencers have hijacked the paradigm of "We stand on the shoulders of giants" to "We compost billions of anthropological prototypes"?

Does anyone need reminding that the Jans are entities that uniformly express what the Institute has come to call mechanic-organic sociopathy? That it should be at front of mind for every anthropological cross-person and every ally or identity-stationed anthropod or anthrophile, whether or not you've got a card that says you've been anthropometrically cleared at birth, you know who you are. Do any of us need reminding that Jans do not have minds of their own, that they are controlled by a central mind that is itself an inorganic drone?

In terms of our species' understanding of The Crack and our dharma, lavajraja, lavajraja, whether or not you are a faith-testing rebel or a self-appointed messiah, lavajraja, even Ilyn himself would doubtless agree that Jans are reproducing at numbers that are not sustainable for our survival. In turn, there will be no Mthyuh, no true meaning or purpose, until we take out the K5000. 

by Peg
Days of Destruction
Keynote Address [frag.]
Day: All