the skin on his outer back across the ribs is so white, while the back of the neck is shiny, shiny coffee.
the sexiest one with his ornery chest and beard hairs
lines of words on his forearm and the tats the
south-pacific islander/ celtic/ native american/ burning-man tribal symbol don't make sense
the saint's medal hung from the neck and jutting chin claim his earnestness
the snarl as if he stands just pre-coitus before you naked
the squared-off nose as if he had been born to shovel
high tight titties
the funeral chrysanthemums appear to be there for him not the dead
but then they all have these chains
the little one, with little black socks and trainers, his jeans cut off
his abs a blueprint or map in soilure and creases
if you hold him close, any point of his body or being could be within reach
if you are much bigger, he could have strong feelings about you
if you are the same size, he may not like you or you will be brothers
i love sitting in a barber chair, like a king on a pyramid
there's a special vestment and i feel like my appeal is concentrated
our experience with sodomy has been overwhelmingly positive
though it's much more fun when it's illegal
and would be better if you could top each other at the same time
i think it's impossible but keep trying to figure it out logistically
he's not porn or a doll that you're humping but
another human being working with you and against you wholistically
and if you're weaker than him that's hot and if you're stronger that's hot
you might try to guess what he's thinking but it doesn't matter
sodomy supersedes thought law reproductive excuses for fucking
fear of death wrath of god precedent history science cocksucking
for some it's got to be the logical choice when bombs are falling
by Jan