They say because i breathe fire i leave burning ruins, and that just feels like an attack on my identity.
Yeah, as a frickin loudmouth.
Life is short.
And there's so much to burn down.
Then why are we just sitting here?
BOTH: Hahahahahahaha.
But no, really they say you split the eardrums of babies in Dubbaberra Chank.
I did some high screeching. That was a great day, but I doubt they split.
So why do you bring it up?
They are gene shaming me. They
Waywaywayway who they?
Legit news outlets, da-preests, what's spilled along the vittle trails... And it's partly that i'm gender-fluctuating.
That sounds dirty and inappropriate.
At this point they rolled themselves up onto their sharp elbows to look out across the meadow.
Zebras stood in their shadow, a vast jagged temple.
They are afraid of my glorious history, not just my beauty.
They are sick of your nasty-ass attitude.
It's called sass, and she's a legit spirit.
Is it a little blasphemous to invoke sass in an earnest moment.
Is it just as good to wrap your tongue around them and squeeze to make a fresh bone nest?
These are the rights of sentient airborne reptiles, but what are the responsibilities?
BOTH: Hahahahahahahaha!
Per Phyliss (embedded)