what happened to me privately, converse to any choice i'd make
became performance through reporting as in a passion play, the
details of my victimization, and i say it that way as a nod to my
audience, who needed some blanks filled in, but also even after,
in performative description, so as to gather empathy
from ghosts, scarecrows, invaders, exploiters, the righteous blinded:
assault on me is now a thing that they can see and be seen seeing
i neither submitted nor killed because there was no choice to
make as an unconscious body, only a being state, target for a man's
acting out desire, fantasy, hate, grief, curiosity, lust, disrespect on
a responseless warm human figure who mostly can't see or can't
remember, couldn't move or argue race or gender, agency, consent,
the weather, how my choices got me to this, and his, our destiny:
knowing full well if i retaliate, i make it all come down on me again.
by Peg
Fishing For A Limerick
2 days ago